CRS | ER-2 - AFRC | Cloud Radar System | Gerald Heymsfield (PI) | HIWRAP | Radar | Radar Reflectivity, Doppler Velocity |
HIWRAP | ER-2 - AFRC | High Altitude Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler | Gerald Heymsfield (PI) | HIWRAP | Radar, Scatterometer | Radar Reflectivity, Doppler Velocity, Wind |
EXRAD | ER-2 - AFRC | ER-2 Doppler Radar | Gerald Heymsfield (PI) | HIWRAP | Radar | Radar Reflectivity, Doppler Velocity |
CoSMIR | ER-2 - AFRC | Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer | Rachael Kroodsma (PI) | CoSMIR | Radiometer | Brightness Temperature |
AMPR | ER-2 - AFRC | Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer | Timothy Lang (PI) | AMPR | Microwave Radiometer | Brightness Temperature |
CPL | ER-2 - AFRC | Cloud Physics Lidar | John Yorks (PI) | CPL | Lidar | Attenuated backscatter, linear depolarization ratio, cloud extinction coefficient, Aerosol Optical Depth |
CDP | P-3 | Cloud Droplet Probe | David Rogers (PI) | G-V Facility Instruments | Particle imager | Particle size distribution, Particle concentration |
CAPS | P-3 | Cloud Aerosol and Precipitation Spectrometer | Andrew Heymsfield (PI) | NCAR Particles | Particle imager, Spectrometer (in situ) | Aerosol, Particle size distribution, Temperature, Pressure, Cloud Liquid Water Content |
2DS | P-3 | 2D-S Stereo Probe | Sarah Woods (PI) | SPEC | Particle imager | Particle size distribution, Particle concentration, Particle Extinction |
HVPS | P-3 | High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer | Paul Lawson (PI) | SPEC | Particle imager, Spectrometer (in situ) | Particle size distribution |
Nevzorov | P-3 | Nevzorov Liquid Water Content (LWC) and Total Water Content (TWC) Probe | Andrew Heymsfield (PI) | NCAR Particles | | Cloud Liquid Water Content, H2O (total) |
King | P-3 | | | | | |
Hawkeye | P-3 | Hawkeye | Paul Lawson (PI) | SPEC | Particle imager | Particle size distribution |
RICE | P-3 | Rosemount Icing Detector | Andrew Heymsfield (PI) | NCAR Particles | | Cloud Liquid Water Content |
WISPER | P-3 | | | | | |
TAMMS | P-3 | Turbulent Air Motion Measurement System | Lee Thornhill (PI) | TAMMS | Navigation recorder | Aircraft position, Temperature, Pressure, H2O |
AVAPS | P-3 | Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System | Gary Wick (PI) | AVAPS | Dropsonde | Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Wind |
VIPR | P-3 | Vapor In-Cloud Profiling Radar | Ken Cooper (PI) | VIPR | Radar | H2O Vapor |
DLH | P-3 | Diode Laser Hygrometer | Glenn S. Diskin (PI) | DACOM / DLH / LI-COR | Laser absorption | H2O |