Vertical Moist Thermodynamic Structure of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Retrievals: An Update and a Comparison to ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis

Tian, B., D.E. Waliser, E.J. Fetzer, and Y.L. Yung (2010), Vertical Moist Thermodynamic Structure of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Retrievals: An Update and a Comparison to ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis, Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 4576-4582, doi:10.1175/2010MWR3486.1.

The large-scale vertical moist thermodynamic structure of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) was documented using the first 2.5 yr (2002–05) of version 4 atmospheric specific humidity and temperature profiles from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). In this study, this issue is further examined using currently available 7-yr version 5 AIRS data (2002–09) to test its dependence on the AIRS data record lengths, AIRS retrieval versions, and MJO event selection and compositing methods employed. The results indicate a strong consistency of the large-scale vertical moist thermodynamic structure of the MJO between different AIRS data record lengths (2.5 vs 7 yr), different AIRS retrieval versions (4 vs 5), and different MJO analysis methods [the extended empirical orthogonal function (EEOF) method vs the multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MEOF) method].

The large-scale vertical moist thermodynamic structures of the MJO between the AIRS retrievals and the ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) products are also compared. The results indicate a much better agreement of the MJO vertical structure between AIRS and ERA-Interim than with the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis, although a significant difference exists in the magnitude of moisture anomalies between ERAInterim and AIRS. This characterization of the vertical moist thermodynamic structure of the MJO by AIRS and ERA-Interim offers a useful observation-based metric for general circulation model diagnostics.

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