[Meeting-support] Poster for Ecological Forecasting and Biodiversity meeting - Reiter and Byrd (NNX17AG81G)

Matthew Reiter mreiter at pointblue.org
Wed Oct 13 12:32:56 PDT 2021

Hi Susan and Judy -
Please see the attached slide for a poster at the upcoming NASA Ecological Forecasting and Biodiversity Team meeting. This is for the project - "Integrating Remote-Sensing and Ecological Forecasting into Decision-Support for Wetland Wildlife Management and Ecosystem Services in the Central Valley of California: Optimizing Across Multiple Benefits (NNX17AG81G; 16-ECO4CAST-0020)". This project was formally completed in April 2021 but still hoping to participate. I will use the slide to facilitate my 1-minute summary. Please let me know if the slide is okay and/or if you need anything else.
One question - how long will we have in the poster session itself?
Thank you very much.
Matthew Reiter, PhD
Research Director - Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group
Point Blue Conservation Science
11912 Pine Forest Road, Truckee, CA 96161
www.pointblue.org<http://www.pointblue.org/>  | Follow Point Blue on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/PointBlueConservationScience>!
Point Blue-Conservation science for a healthy planet.

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