[Korus-aq] KORUS-AQ Monthly Tag-up, Tue/Wed, 19/20 February, 7p/9a (US/KOR)

Crawford, James H. (LARC-E303) james.h.crawford at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 15 05:51:52 PST 2019

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend. Looking forward to talking next week.

KORUS-AQ Monthly Tag-up, Tue/Wed, 19/20 February, 7p/9a (US/KOR)

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

7:00 pm  |  Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

Meeting number: 901 061 473

Meeting password: K0Ru$- at Q

Add to Calendar<https://nasaenterprise.webex.com/nasaenterprise/j.php?MTID=ma4edd3721f2aae6fde59ebebd21e29be>

When it's time, join the meeting<https://nasaenterprise.webex.com/nasaenterprise/j.php?MTID=m85950c03da853ecdcf4cbca913c55bb3>.

Join by phone

US (Toll Free): 844-467-4685
South Korea (Toll Free): 00798 6136 2179
South Korea (Seoul): 822 6007 0092
Toll free (Austria): 0800 006 089
Toll free (Norway): 800 510 82

Participant Passcode: 9716445224#

Can't join the meeting? <https://collaborationhelp.cisco.com/article/WBX000029055>

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