[Exports_project_office] Bruce Applegate at EXPORTS media day

Deborah K. Steinberg debbies at vims.edu
Tue Jun 26 04:25:13 PDT 2018

Dear all,
An FYI- at the UNOLS meeting last week Bruce Applegate asked me if it was okay for him to come to EXPORTS media day in Seattle. I said it was fine.  (Presumably this ok with y’all in spirit of good SIO relations, etc.)

Dr. Deborah K. Steinberg
CSX Professor of Marine Science
Chair, Department of Biological Sciences
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
+1.804.684.7838 | +1.804.684.7293 fax
debbies at vims.edu<mailto:susan at vims.edu> |  http://www.vims.edu<http://www.vims.edu/>
PO Box 1346 | 1375 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062 USA

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