[Exports_project_office] PI telecom follow up

David Siegel david.siegel at ucsb.edu
Wed Jul 26 09:11:55 PDT 2017

Hi All,

Think the first telecom went well - although it was far too long. We need to get the measurement table uploaded on the webpage ASAP. I just saw that Laura passed us the measurement table. Do we want to include the PI/ project ppt as well?  I think this would be a good idea - although some explanations are needed.  We can get all of this up this afternoon.   

My plan for the next PI telecom is to walk thru the experimental design for EXPORTS and begin the situational awareness discussion (I was planning this before Adrian’s mind blowing email). I also plan to begin discussion about the extended wiring diagram that includes more detail on the phyto & optical side of this. My hope is to have someone else champion that…  I will wait to communicate with the PI list until after our Thursday morning telecom.  

There are things I think we need to do to get ready for the next telecom. These are listed blow.  

1) Ivona will reconcile notes from the last telecom on the google doc she started
	https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xkqGTvAG5U0fPQJSKD_5XFO7jDB1Nq08ge2VsaatvPI/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xkqGTvAG5U0fPQJSKD_5XFO7jDB1Nq08ge2VsaatvPI/edit?usp=sharing>
	if you have notes / comments - work with her.  

2) We need list for ship needs soon -  Ivona and Laura, can you guys huddle up on this for a first pass?  
	Would like to send it out the PI list before the  (not necessarily tomorrow)
	Lists include…  
		UNOLS equipment (rad van, trace metal clean sampling, mocness, etc.)
		Collaborative PI equipment / facilities (lab / deck incubators, underway sampling systems, etc.)
		PI vans 
		Over the side requirements (winches, uncontaminated underway seawater, etc.)

	We need to get the WebEX working so folks can text offline between them about issues and not interrupt large scale conversations  
	Maybe demo on our Thurs telecom?  Vidal, know I am a neophyte / technophobe...	
	Please put Dave Court (UCSB webmaster; dcourt at eri.ucsb.edu) on the project_office email list

4) EXPORTS Website 
	The CCE website has been ported to UCSB and has the URL http://oceanexports.org 
	It is ugly and will need to be made more pretty and functional for our uses
		Document repository up and download / with passwords 
		Better PI / project pages
		PI telecom agenda and audio pages
		much more…  
	Ivona, David Court and I will talk today at 4pm ET / 1pm PT about upgrades to the site - let us know if you have changes you all want…

There’s more but we will talk tomorrow…  

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