[All] Chrome Config Update - Secure NASA Websites

Stanfill, Alex (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] alex.stanfill at nasa.gov
Thu Jul 23 13:04:51 PDT 2020

Good afternoon team,

This evening I will apply a change to your systems to fix a problem with some NASA websites showing as insecure in Chrome. Starting tomorrow, they should show a closed lock icon to indicate they are “Secure.”

Please restart your Google Chrome Friday morning when it’s convenient (or close it at the end of the day today). Going forward, if you see the warning at the bottom on any website (especially a NASA website), please consider it a red flag. It can be an indicator that something is wrong security-wise. No other action is required on your part.

Further details follow.

Websites affected include (but are not limited to):

  *   https://webtads.nasa.gov
  *   https://HR.nasa.gov
  *   https://asap.arc.nasa.gov
  *   https://space.ksc.nasa.gov
  *   https://teams.share.nasa.gov
[cid:image001.png at 01D660F1.D982A150]

The warning usually looks something like this:
[Chrome Error Screen]

Have an amazing afternoon,

Alex Stanfill
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Bldg N232, Rm 242/032, MS 232-22
Moffett Field<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffett_Federal_Airfield>, CA 94035-0001
Mobile: +1 650 680 8547
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