[All] EXPORTS update

Allison, Quincy D. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] quincy.allison at nasa.gov
Thu Jul 26 03:08:03 PDT 2018


Brent and I are busy with what we are calling the EXPORTS US Tour. We spent a few days in Woods Hole, MA (WHOI) preparing a large shipment to Seattle. We are currently in Narraganset, RI (URI) doing the same. We’ll travel to Santa Barbra (UCSB) this weekend for another large shipment. After that we'll drive up to Moss Landing, CA (MLML and MBARI) to add equipment to the Santa Barbra shipment, before Sommer and Drew add more equipment at Ames. Seattle will be the next stop, Brent, Vidal and I will provide support for the mobilization of the five week EXPORTS cruise that departs Aug. 10.


Quincy Allison
(650) 604-3493  office
(650) 455-4964 cell

Earth Science Project Office

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