Long-term atmospheric CO2 mole fraction and δ13CO2 observations over North America document persistent responses to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation. We estimate these responses corresponded to 0.61 (0.45 to 0.79) PgC year−1 more North American carbon uptake during El Niño than during La Niña between 2007 and 2015, partially offsetting increases of net tropical biosphere-to-atmosphere carbon flux around El Niño. Anomalies in derived North American net ecosystem exchange (NEE) display strong but opposite correlations with surface air temperature between seasons, while their correlation with water availability was more constant throughout the year, such that water availability is the dominant control on annual NEE variability over North America. These results suggest that increased water availability and favorable temperature conditions (warmer spring and cooler summer) caused enhanced carbon uptake over North America near and during El Niño.
Enhanced North American carbon uptake associated with El Nino
Hu, L., A.E. Andrews, K.W. Thoning, C. Sweeney, J.B. Miller, A.M. Michalak, E. Dlugokencky, P.P. Tans, Y.P. Shiga, M. Mountain, T. Nehrkorn, S.A. Montzka, K. McKain, J. Kofler, M. Trudeau, S.E. Michel, S.C. Biraud, M.L. Fischer, D.E.J. Worthy, B.H. Vaughn, J.W.C. White, V. Yadav, S. Basu, and I.R. van der Velde (2019), Enhanced North American carbon uptake associated with El Nino, Science Advances, 5, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw0076.
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Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Program (CCEP)