S-MODE 10/25/22 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, October 25
Aircraft schedule:

  • NET 1030:  B200 SF15 takeoff
  • 1000-1130 (TBD):  Twin Otter SF9 takeoff
  • 1100:  G-III SF7 takeoff 

Ship and in situ plan:

  • Bold Horizon
    • Transit to float location while surveying front. Float recovery ends Tues ~10am.
    • Day - Underway sampling during MASS and PRISM overflights - coordination to achieve coincident radiometric sample from BH. Line under MASS desirable.
    • Evening - Deploy ‘W floats’
    • Night - Radiometer & surveys
    • EcoCTD sections as possible
    • Planning/execution of CTD casts according to plan developed with Mara, Andrey, input from others (time/locations/depths TBD).
  • Saildrones continue moving their line to adjust for frontal movement.
  • Wave Glider triangles and lines continue to adjust position to track frontal movement.

Science team meeting schedule:


  • Another great day by all accounts. All three aircraft completed flights on a clear day with ship and in situ assets strategically surveying the front.
  • Go to https://smode.whoi.edu/smode_netlink.kml for a Google Earth view of the real time autonomous platform positions. 
  • Autonomous platform planned tracks are now incorporated into Google Earth in the KML share folder of the S-MODE Drive