S-MODE 10/23/22 Mission Daily Schedule

Sunday, October 23
Aircraft schedule:

  • 0800:  G-III PRISM preflight begins
  • NET 1030:  G-III SF5 takeoff (weather permitting)
  • 1100:  Preflight meeting for B200 SF13 
  • NET 1200:  Twin Otter SF7 takeoff (weather permitting)
  • NET 1200:  B200 SF13 takeoff

Ship and in situ plan:

  • CTD casts every 8 hours as floats periodically surface. Floats to be recovered Monday completing the fourth drift survey. 
  • EcoCTD sections as possible.
  • Underway sampling during MASS and PRISM overflights. Coordination between BH and MASS for a line directly under one of the MASS lines is highly desired. Luc will provide MASS kml in AM. 
  • Saildrones are setting up farther “downstream” (to the east).
  • Wave Gliders will continue conducting cross-front surveys and will set up a triangular array (perhaps on the south side of the front).

Science team meeting schedule:


  • With sea state conditions not as bad as expected, Bold Horizon will remain deployed in the ops area. However, science operations may be reduced.
  • Go to https://smode.whoi.edu/smode_netlink.kml for a Google Earth view of the real time autonomous platform positions. 
  • Autonomous platform planned tracks are now incorporated into Google Earth in the KML share folder of the S-MODE Drive