S-MODE 04/12/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the Plan of the Day for Wednesday, April 12:


  • Great day for S-MODE!
  • Sally Ride entered the ops area today and she surveyed an exceptional chlorophyll plume.
  • With the weather cooperating, all three aircraft flew with all instruments working nominally. 

 Aircraft schedule:

  • 0730: G-III PRISM preflight begins (go/no-go at 0800)
  • NET 1030: G-III SF#2 takeoff (weather dependent)
  • 1030: Preflight meeting for B200 SF#6
  • NET 1100: MASS TO SF#2 takeoff (weather dependent)
  • NET 1200: B200 SF#6 takeoff (weather dependent)

 Ship and in situ plan:

  • The Sally Ride continues surveying the plume region.
  • The seven deployed wave gliders will continue congregating in the plume region. An eighth wave glider is scheduled to be deployed Thursday from Santa Cruz.
  • Two Seagliders to continue operating lines in the southern portion of the ops area. Two Seagliders are moving to the strong SSH gradient region near 37N 125 20W.

Meeting schedule: