BioSCape 11/17/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day
Friday, 17 November (All times local)
·       🦃 You are warmly invited to the BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event hosted at Barristers in Newlands on Thursday, 23 November at 1800. Please review the menu in the link below and RSVP, indicating your dietary requirements and any plus ones you'd like to bring. The cost of the set menu is R280 pp (about $15). Everyone will receive their own bill (and alcohol can be billed separately if you prefer). We look forward to spending the holiday with you! 🦃
·       The BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception will be held on 17 November starting at 1800 and is open to everyone. Location will be at the New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus. Link to RSVP is below. 

0930 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN  
1000 -- SSUN to FBO
1200 -- G-III TO (Science Flight #17) 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
~Land+1hr -- FBO to SSUN (shuttle will be determined after RTB)
1730 -- SSUN to UCT New Lecture Theater 
TBD -- SSUN to UCT (2nd shuttle for fliers to UCT if RTB is late)
1800 -- BioSCape Public Lecture/Networking Reception  
1800 -- SSUN to CPT Departure (Flight UA2223)
~2100 -- UCT to SSUN 
G-III Plan: 
Plan A
M4_L01-L08 @ FL 210 
*please run lines long on east side 
*priority is L01 to L08 in order
G3_30 L01-L02 @ FL210
C42_L01 @ FL210 timing and approach at crew discretion 
G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion 
Plan B
C24_L01 @ FL170 timing and approach at crew discretion 
C25_L01 @ FL170 timing and approach at crew discretion 
M3 L11-L01 @ FL 170 * preferred in that order
G3_30_L01-L02 @ FL 210
G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion 
·       New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
·       Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast ( and the optional BioSCape Social ( group.
·       If you travel commercially and would like ESPO to organize transportation to/from the airport from the Southern Suns, please use the form below. Also, please remind anyone from ESPO at least a day in advance before your arrival/departure so we can check your shuttle appointments and confirm with the driver.
·       A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website ( If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you. 
·       Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available. 
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
·       Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
·       Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
·       Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
·       Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
·       Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
·       Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
·       Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539
Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (
Meeting Link:
0930 Go/No-Go:” 
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa
1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: “” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa