BioSCape 11/13/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day
Monday, 13 November (All times local)

  1. There will be a BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event on 23, November. More details to follow. Please RSVP via WhatsApp Poll from Anabelle.
  2. There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. 
    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm - with food! Public event 7-9pm. 
    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus
    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.  
    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.

0800 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
0830 -- FBO to SSUN (GV)
0900 -- Rescheduled Go/No-go call at SSUN 
0930 -- SSUN to FBO (GV crew)
1030 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII)
1100 -- GV Takeoff - flight plan below** 
1130 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII)
1300 -- GIII Takeoff - flight plan below**
1330 -- FBO to SSUN (GIII)
1500 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
TBD (GIII landing +1hr) FBO to SSUN GIII post flight
TBD (GV landing +30’) FBO to SSUN GV post flight
2000 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
2030 -- FBO to SSUN (GV)
**G-III Science objectives: 
Box 1 and 16 are both sites with lots of vegetation plots and we want to get coincident data from both planes here. New pickup box is to coincide with EMIT overpass and assess termite mound biodiversity. Box 19 is the calibration buoy. 
Takeoff 13:00 (may slip due to clouds)
Airport cal (AVIRIS/PRISM team to advise on FL and waypoints)
G3_1: Lines 4-7 @ FL170 (G5 will be at FL160 and FL240)
G3_16: Lines 1-4 @ FL180 (G5 is at FL160) (if cloudy we will drop this box)
Tankwa karoo lines (New lines! See email for waypoints) @ FL180 (do as many lines as you can in the time you have)
G3_19 (if not cloudy) @ any FL (NET 1518; NLT 1648)
**G-V Science objectives: 
Box 1 and 16 are both sites with lots of vegetation plots and we want to get coincident data from both planes here. HYTES needs full coverage of Box 1, LVIS pickup lines. New Tankwa Karoo lines are to coincide with EMIT overpass and assess termite mound biodiversity. Box 19 is the calibration buoy. 
Takeoff 1100 (may slip due to clouds)
G5_1 HYTES B150AZ - B156 AZ @ FL 160 (G3 will be at @ FL 170)
G5_1 LVIS B124 AZ - B120AZ; @ FL240
*G5_L1 only if there is time. Lowest priority. End this pattern with a N end of 
B120AZ with a 1.1mile offset to the east for Robbin island
G5_19 HYTES D950AZ @FL at discretion of team.
Tankwa Karoo lines T108AZ - T101AZ @ FL 170 (G3 @ FL 180) 
*only flying low for this target. Can go down to 160 to avoid GIII if needed.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:

  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539 

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (
Meeting Link:
0700 Go/No-Go:” 
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa
1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: “” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa