BioSCape 10/18/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Wednesday, 18 October (All times are SAST):
1300 Shuttle run from Southern Sun Newlands (SSN) to Cape Town Airport
1600 - 1700 Forecasting meeting at SSN, Jasmine Room. Connect remotely on Teams (Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280, PC: jxRKdQ), dial in USA: +1 256-715-9946,,992489477# and S. Africa: +27 21 834 5594,,992489477#. 

G-III is in transit! 

~1500 Arrival at Cape Town Airport


  1. The FBO conference room has been set up. There will be two bases of operation: Room #103 and Jasmine room at the SSN until 10/20 (moving to larger space - details TBD), and the FBO. 
  2. New arrivals who will be based at the FBO, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
  3. Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast ( and the optional BioSCape Social ( group.

Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:

  • Dan Chirica, NASA, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Judy Alfter, NASA, Project Coordinator, +1 650 559 4229
  • Andrian Liem, NASA, Logistics, +1 415 746 0555
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581