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Photo primarily shows one or more people


Photos during the ARCSIX Open House…

Photos during the ARCSIX Open House…

Sebastian Schmidt & Vikas Nataraja (CU Boulder) on the P-3.

Michael Hendrickson launching a balloon sonde during today’s science flight.

Michael Hendrickson launching a balloon sonde during today’s science flight.

ARCSIX Science Brief in Hangar 8 “conference” room

Samuel Ephraim (University of Miami) prepping the balloon for a radiosonde launch. Photo credit – Kit Kugel

Filippo Calì Quaglia (INGV) teaching Quincy Allison (ARC) how to launch a radiosonde at Pituffik, Greenland. Photo credit – Dan Chirica.

IMPACTS 2024 Science Team Meeting

NASA426 Preflight Brief


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