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Associated content: 

SUCCESS ER-2 Lidar Digital Image 4/15/96

SUCCESS 04/14/96 Mission Daily Schedule

96/04/14 CART site activity


Meteorology at the Central Facility

Weather Conditions from Site Operators Log


Visiting Instruments at Central Facilities


960413 ER-2 Flight Track from Nav Recorder

SUCCESS 04/13/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The ER-2 flew five, figure eight, overpasses of the CART site, with the last leg extended to overfly a convective cloud deck. The DC8 flew also.


ER-2 lidar data from 4/13

Flight Reports

ER-2 Flight: 96102

Date: April 13, 1996

Mission: Radiation Measurement Mission Over ARM Site

Mission Objectives

SUCCESS, ER-2 Lidar Digital Image 4/13/96

SUCCESS 04/12/96 Mission Daily Schedule

CART site activity


Meteorology at the Central Facility

Weather Conditions from Site Operators Log
Scattered, broken lenticular altocumulus throughout the day.


Visiting Instruments at Central Facilities


SUCCESS 04/11/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The T-39 transited from Langley, Va to Salina, Ks.


Flight Reports

CART site activity


SUCCESS 04/10/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The DC-8 transited from Ames to Salina, KS., performing instrument tests inflight. Scattered cirrus was observed over Ames, were absent over Oregon and northern CA. with marine stratus observed elsewhere. While in restricted air space, the DC-8 produced non persistent contrails at altitudes ranging from 4kft to 35kft. Although, the contrails were too short lived to reenter, the DC-8 did make multiple crossings of its own exhaust plume.


Flight Reports

April 10, 1996


Mission Objective


960410 DC-8 Flight Track from DADS

SUCCESS 04/06/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The ER-2 flew a Gulf coast mission over Atchafalaya bay, flying six legs along the LA coast and one leg over the CART site. Excellent data of short-term sediment transport in turbid coastal waters, using the MAS, were collected under reported clear skies over both the Gulf coast and the CART site.


Flight Reports

ER-2 Flight: 96101

Date: April 9, 1996

Mission: MODIS Louisiana coastal zone turbidity

Mission Objectives


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