ARCSIX ARCSIX Code of Conduct

ARCSIX Field Campaign Code of Conduct & Best Practices
To establish and enforce effective policies for the ARCSIX field environment, this Code of Conduct outlines clear expectations and accountability for individuals, instrument teams, air crew, and leadership. Field experiences require intentional adherence to these guidelines to ensure the physical, emotional, and identity safety of each team member in all formal and informal settings related to the campaign.
ARCSIX leadership reviewed the official NASA Code of Conduct and used this document to inform the development of the ARCSIX Code of Conduct. The ARCSIX Code of Conduct was reviewed by the NASA HQ team, Science Team Leadership, and ESPO to ensure it is comprehensive and meets the current needs of the ARCSIX team.
In all projects and campaigns, the teams consist of a mix of NASA scientists and partners from national and international universities and research centers. For ARCSIX, this includes mission scientists, instrument team members, ground support crew, pilots, and flight crews. It's important to highlight that whenever team members are involved in field work sponsored by the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD), they are representing both NASA and the United States of America. Therefore, it is expected that all team members, regardless of their position within the team hierarchy, follow the outlined best practices. These best practices apply to everyone participating in the field activities.
These best practices have been compiled from existing NASA field work teams that have laid the groundwork for adopting an ESD-wide policy for teams performing field work and field deployments.
Broadly speaking, it is the expectation that each team member treats others with respect, honesty, and courtesy. Be mindful of your colleagues and work environment. Refrain from and actively discourage bullying, intimidating, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning behavior.
Expected Behavior & Actions
Examples of behavior that contribute to a positive environment include but are not limited to:
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback.
  • Demonstrating collaborative problem-solving and practicing active listening skills to support the individual and the collective goals of the group.
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences; and creating space for all voices to be heard and to foster a constructive environment.
    • Listening to the perspectives of others and refraining from interrupting.
    • Actively enabling broad participation by noticing who is speaking up and who may not have yet had an opening to contribute.
  • Communicating respectfully (physical, verbal and written) and with the intent of identifying solutions, fostering collaboration, and upholding the values of the team.
  • Apologizing if accidental harm is done and learning from the experience to not cause further harm.
  • Always treating others with dignity and respect.
  • Holding each team member accountable for their actions and behaviors.
  • Adhering to all conduct guidelines.
  • Being familiar with and understanding the consequences of unacceptable behavior.
Unacceptable Behavior & Actions
Physical or emotional abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. ARCSIX team members shall commit to bystander intervention and will report all instances of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination without fear of retaliation. Team leadership expects team members to identify unacceptable behavior as defined by their personal experiences and viewpoints.
Examples of behavior that contribute to a less equitable, inclusive, and accessible environment include but are not limited to:
  1. Offensive behavior or language is strongly discouraged – whether it rises to the level of harassment (or not) or was meant to be offensive (or not).
  2. Insulting or derogatory comments, harassment, and personal, religious or political attacks.
  3. Regardless of intent, microaggressions can have a significant negative impact on victims and have no place on our teams.
  4. Conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.
  5. Conduct that consistently leaves the same individual(s) or group(s) out of opportunities for work contribution or deserved recognition.
Reporting Unacceptable Behavior
The ARCSIX mission has a reporting process with multiple avenues in place which will be made available to all team members prior to deployment and will be readily available while in the field (printed copies in the operations hub and digital copies in the Google Drive).
The primary points of contact for unacceptable behavior will be Hal Maring (ARCSIX program scientist, phone number in field 202-279-0195), Dan Chirica (ESPO mission manager, phone number in field 650-318-8257) and Kelly Griffin (WFF operations manager, phone number in field TBD). If you do not feel comfortable talking with an onsite point of contact, Linette Boisvert (ARCSIX mission science co-lead, 301-943-5767) will be the offsite point of contact. From there, efforts will be made to resolve the situation and team leadership may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the field setting.
Anyone experiencing or witnessing behavior that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to public safety is advised to immediately contact Pituffik police.
Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.
Leadership & Team Member Responsibilities, Expectations and Best Practices
We recognize that a diversity of perspectives will lead to better mission outcomes; an inclusive and equitable team will better serve our diverse science teams. Further, we recognize that a team with an inclusive culture, awareness and education, and effective working relationships, leads to a more effective field campaign.
Leadership Responsibilities
Field activities require a Chain of Command to make decisions involving team safety and mission science objectives. Recognizing this, field participants serving in leadership roles will be proactive about setting expectations for the field environment and setting the example for a safe and welcoming field deployment.
Leaders on each team must recognize that the occurrence of harassment can be reduced with transparent, effective reporting procedures and include actionable sanctions for harassing behavior. Before any field deployment, team leadership should provide access to formal anti-harassment training for all team members and should outline the channels within the Chain of Command for reporting harassment or any unwanted behavior. In and out of the field, field leaders at all levels should serve as advocates for the well-being of team members within their Chain of Command, while also respecting the privacy of those on the team.
Team leaders will acknowledge that field deployments can be stressful and exhausting, and they are expected to lead by example. They will set reasonable hours for work, sleep, religious observation, and relaxation.
Team Expectations & Best Practices
For the duration of the field deployment, it is the expectation that all team members will adhere to the following best practices for a successful and safe field deployment:
  • Team members will value all other members of the field team and should actively engage diverse perspectives in preparation, planning, and decision-making both in the field, in a virtual environment, and at “home base”.
  • Team members will understand the chain of command and respect team members placed in positions of authority.
    • Team leaders will communicate daily to evaluate mission progress and modify science plans as necessary. Within teams, all members will be briefed on the decision-making process where appropriate.
  • Team members will strive to always engage in safe behavior.
At all times, participants are expected to keep safety in mind while working in a professional manner. Participants are expected to adhere to the field safety guidelines set
forth by team leadership. All team members have the right to stop work when they deem conditions unsafe.
  • Team members will respect the physical and cultural landscape of the field site.
  • Team members will not subject others to harassment in or out of the field