ARCSIX 06/07/24 Mission Daily Schedule

POD Friday, Jun 7, 2024 - Science Flight #7 P-3 and #6 (G-III)
0415 - Science Go/No-go (via WhatsApp message)
0930 - Forecast meeting in Bldg. 201/Online
1600 - Flight debrief after P-3 lands at Hangar 8 conference room 
P-3 Schedule: 
0430 - P-3 Access and power on (if No-go, revert to 0800-1630 access)
0500 - Flight Safety video for any new flyers
0630 - Tow out
0645 - Power back on
0700 - Combo P-3/GIII preflight brief at Hangar 8, conference room
0730 - Doors close
0800 - Takeoff
G-III Schedule: 
0700 -Tow/fuel
0745 - Show 
0840 - Doors close 
0900 - Takeoff 
~TBD - Land 
General info/reminders:  

  • Upcoming ARCSIX events for the general Pituffik community members. See Patrick’s WhatsApp message on “General” for more information or to volunteer/sign-up/thumbs up. 

o    Friday, June 7: ARCSIX Presentation Night at Cafe Cool (rec center) from 1900-2000. 

  •   Presentation from science leadership and then short presentation from volunteer teams. 

o    Saturday, June 8: ARCSIX Open House at Hangar 8 from 0930-1200. 

  • Visit the ARCSIX ESPO page ( for information about the field deployment. 
  • If folks are wondering about payment for their rooms in Bldg. 99, 331, & 336, the base will charge us a “cleaning fee” at the end which ESPO will take care of.