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The Airborne Science Instrument Database provides details on the science instruments that have been used as part of NASA-funded airborne research.

To search the database, use any of the following filters to limit the displayed results. To scroll through the results, use the links at the bottom of the page. Clicking on any instrument name will take you to a page providing full information on that instrument.

Currently displayed: instruments 241 - 260 of 356.

Titlesort descending Acronym Contact Person Aircraft Type Measurements
Multicenter Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor MACAWS Jeffry Rothermel (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Lidar Wind, Aerosol Backscattering
Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder MCoRDS Carl Leuschen (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, P-3 Orion - WFF, Twin Otter - GRC Radar Ice Sheet Thickness
Multiple Axis Resonance Fluorescence Chemical Conversion Detector for ClO and BrO ClO/BrO James Anderson (PI) ER-2 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC, DC-8 - AFRC Fluorescence ClO, BrO
Multiple-Angle Aerosol Spectrometer Probe MASP Darrel Baumgardner (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC, Global Hawk - AFRC Spectrometer (in situ) Particle concentration, Particle size distribution, Particle Extinction
Multiscale Observing System of the Ocean Surface MOSES Jeroen Molemaker (PI) B200 (#801) - AFRC Camera Sea Surface Temperature
Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor MAMS James D. Jacobson Jr. (Mgr) ER-2 - AFRC Photometer H2O (total), Temperature
Multispectral Imaging, Detection and Active Reflectance MiDAR Dr. Ved Chirayath (PI)
National Airborne Sounder Testbed - Interferometer NAST-I Anna Noe (Mgr) ER-2 - AFRC, Proteus, WB-57 - JSC Interferometer Temperature, Relative Humidity
NCAR Airborne Oxygen Instrument AO2 Britton Stephens (PI) DC-8 - AFRC O2, CO2
NCAR NO-NO2 NO-NO2 Andrew Weinheimer (PI) Gulfstream V - NSF Chemiluminescence NO, NO2
NCAR NOxyO3 NOxyO3 Andrew Weinheimer (PI) C-130H - WFF, DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC Chemiluminescence NO, NO2, NOy, O3
NDACC MLO FTIR MLOFTIR James W. Hannigan (PI) Interferometer CO, CH4, ClONO2, HCOOH, C2H6, HCN, HCl, HF, HNO3, H2O, HDO, OCS, N2O, O3, CH2O
Nevzorov Liquid Water Content (LWC) and Total Water Content (TWC) Probe Nevzorov Andrew Heymsfield (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, WB-57 - JSC, P-3 Orion - WFF Cloud Liquid Water Content, H2O (total)
Next-Generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer AVIRIS-NG Robert O. Green (PI) ER-2 - AFRC, Twin Otter, Gulfstream III - LaRC, Gulfstream G-5 Spectrometer Imagery
NO and NOy Chemiluminescence Instrument NO/NOy Yutaka Kondo (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Chemiluminescence NO, NO2, NOy
NOAA Iodide Ion Time-of-Flight Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer NOAA ToF CIMS J. Andy Neuman (PI) DC-8 - AFRC CIMS HCOOH, ClNO2, N2O5, BrO, Cl2, BrCN, BrCl, C2H4O3S
NOAA Lyman-Alpha Total Water Hygrometer NOAA TW Ken Kelly (PI) DC-8 - AFRC, ER-2 - AFRC H2O (total)
NOAA Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone NOyO3 Thomas B Ryerson (PI) DC-8 - AFRC Chemiluminescence NO, NO2, NOy, O3
NOAA NOy Instrument NOAA NOy Patrick Veres (PI) ER-2 - AFRC, Balloon Chemiluminescence NO, NO2, NOy
NOAA Picarro Kathryn McKain (Co-I) DC-8 - AFRC, Alpha Jet Spectrometer (in situ) CO2, CH4, CO


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