Earth Action builds on ESDs existing AQ portfolio (EA: HAQAST, R&A: TCP, ESTO: AIST, ESDS: VEDA) working with EPA and NOAA to create an impactful information system for decision makers (CARB, TCEQ, etc) and expand capacity development (CDC, NIH, OpenAQ, Google, WHO, etc.)


- Create website as portal with NOAA and EPA as primary federal partners.
- Higher Resolution GMAO GEOS-CF (Composition Forecast): from 25 km Globally to 12 km Globally with stretch grid of 3 km over CONUS.
- Automatically re-grid models and satellite data to common grid to create satellite proxy/fusion at higher resolution (12 km) globally for AQ forecasting using nested domains (3 km) over U.S..
- Create Tools for Decision Makers including exposure estimates, and policy “what if” scenarios, leveraging satellite estimated surface PM2.5.
- Timeseries products for researchers (e.g., PM2.5, ozone, NO2, HCHO, NH3) for highly requested surface products (NOAA, CDC, EPA, NIH, International to global scales).
- Expanded/targeted capacity building to underserved communities (SERVIR, HAQAST, IGAC, ARSET, EEJ).

Earth Action for Air Quality (EA-AQ) Acronym Reference
ESD - Earth Science Division
EA: HAQAST - Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team
R&A: TCP - Research & Analysis: Tropospheric Composition Program
ESTO: AIST - Earth Science Technology Office: Advanced Information Systems Technology
ESDS: VEDA - Earth Science Data Systems [Program]: Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis [Project]
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
NOAA - National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
CARB - California Air Resources Board
TCEQ - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
CDC - Center for Disease Control
NIH - National Institutes of Health
WHO - World Health Organization

GMAO - Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
GEOS-CF - Goddard Earth Observing System - Composition Forecasting
CONUS - Contiguous United States
IGAC - International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
ARSET - Applied Remote Sensing Training
EEJ - Equity and Environmental Justice