[Tempo] [EXTERNAL] TEMPO Level 2/3 data products first public release on May 20, 2024

Xiong Liu xliu at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue May 14 09:27:16 PDT 2024

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Dear Colleagues:

We finally approved all the TEMPO science algorithm updates to produce the V3 Level 1/2/3 data products (including ozone profile product using UV radiance only) after the TEMPO Beta Level 1 (V2) product public release on February 27 (https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/articles/new-beta-level-1-tempo-products). We started the forward production of all data products (except for the ozone profile product) on May 13 and will release those data products to the public from NASA's ASDC on May 20. As the production of the ozone profile product is very computationally intensive, it causes power/cooling issues at our data center. We are holding off the production/release of this product until power/cooling issues are resolved. A new version of TEMPO Level 1 (V3) will also be released, and a new Level 1 twilight radiance data product is added to the list of Level 1 data products, but no twilight data can be taken until August due to lack of measurement opportunity around summer solstice (+/- ~1.5 months).

TEMPO data before May 13 will be processed to produce all data products (except for the ozone profile product) in parallel starting from August 2023. The back processing will start next week and may take ~3 months to be finished. The maturity levels of all the data products (except for the ozone profile product) are at the beta level as there is not enough time to perform proper validation and assessment before the release. The maturity level of data products will be updated once more careful validation and assessment is done. As the ozone profile product is the last data product to be added to processing pipeline, it has a less maturity level (unvalidated). And we will hold off the back processing of TEMPO data for this product until an improved ozone profile product is released.



Dr. Xiong Liu
Senior Physicist
Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
60 Garden St. | MS 50 | Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 857-928-0192 (C) | 617-496-2136 (O)
xliu at cfa.harvard.edu<mailto:xliu at cfa.harvard.edu>

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