[Tempo] TEMP STM meeting WebEX links

Xiong Liu xliu at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Aug 13 05:46:41 PDT 2020

Please see WebEX links below and password: TEMPO-MEETING

On 8/12/20 2:37 PM, Mcfadden, Susan K. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental 
Research Institute] via Tempo wrote:
> Thank you for your interest in the TEMPO Science Team Meeting which 
> will be held virtually starting tomorrow.
> More information about the meeting is here: 
> https://meeting-info.org/tempo-stm2020/ 
> <https://meeting-info.org/tempo-stm2020/>
> The website agenda is updated with poster titles.
> If you are planning to presenting a poster, please:
>  1. Send your 1-minute introduction PowerPoint slide about your poster
>     using the template on the website to Susan McFadden
>     <mailto:susan.mcfadden at nasa.gov> before 8pm EDT today.  You will
>     talk to this slide for one minute to the whole group on Thursday.
>  2. Prepare your e-poster in whatever format you want to share in your
>     own breakout room.
> If you will be sharing your screen and if you have Catalina operating 
> system on a Mac, please make sure you change your settings as 
> documented on the website’s <https://meeting-info.org/tempo-stm2020/> 
> Help-Webex Issues Tab #3.
> Here are links to the meetings:
> Thursday, Aug 13^th 8:55 EDT – Science Team Meeting Day 1 (Presenters: 
> please join at 8:30 EDT)
> https://espo.webex.com/espo/k2/j.php?MTID=t4b1133905442003dc15acd4457c4272f 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__espo.webex.com_espo_k2_j.php-3FMTID-3Dt4b1133905442003dc15acd4457c4272f&d=DwMGaQ&c=ApwzowJNAKKw3xye91w7BE1XMRKi2LN9kiMk5Csz9Zk&r=PBmfzXpFdMM7dk3c9ncKedyXuzIbMk6wHaPkUa8n5w0&m=o3yvXHLlHFP2to-Yc2AHL7laMn8eaKTvvmeJfeiqXLk&s=TMFb_3a59Py9DMStH-t1juKtS5-r3SWQMTITl68DIN8&e=> 
> Friday, Aug 14^th 8:55 EDT – Science Team Meeting Day 2 (Presenters: 
> please join at 8:30 EDT)
> https://espo.webex.com/espo/k2/j.php?MTID=tbfb402217d99ff7529a68081e73f8cf3 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__espo.webex.com_espo_k2_j.php-3FMTID-3Dtbfb402217d99ff7529a68081e73f8cf3&d=DwMGaQ&c=ApwzowJNAKKw3xye91w7BE1XMRKi2LN9kiMk5Csz9Zk&r=PBmfzXpFdMM7dk3c9ncKedyXuzIbMk6wHaPkUa8n5w0&m=GUcVhLqMTXo-2ICjTDaA2bua5A9CZzV_b-AkNtRsWMY&s=T4k-H0SjPWQHI16SJBpu0ophYkyzjsKk8GsrcPnAI5E&e=> 
> Let me know if you have any questions,
> Susan
> -- 
> Susan McFadden
> Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
> NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
> Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
> susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov <mailto:susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov>
> +1.650.402.5031 mobile/Whatsapp/Viber
> _______________________________________________
> Tempo mailing list
> Tempo at espo.nasa.gov
> https://espo.nasa.gov/lists/listinfo/tempo

Dr. Xiong Liu
Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
60 Garden St. | MS 50 | Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-2136 (O) | Fax: 617-495-7455
xliu at cfa.harvard.edu

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