[Set-meeting-support] NASA Solid-Earth Team Meeting lightning talk

Chen, Jianli chen at csr.utexas.edu
Fri Nov 1 07:58:36 PDT 2019

Here are my slides for the lighting talk. Thanks!  - Jianli


Jianli CHEN, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Center for Space Research, University of Texas at Austin
3925 W. Braker Lane, Ste. 200, Austin, TX 78759-5321
E-mail: chen at csr.utexas.edu, Tel: 512-232-6218

From: Phillips, Benjamin R. (HQ-DK000) <ben.phillips at nasa.gov>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 11:03 AM
To: Chen, Jianli <chen at csr.utexas.edu>
Cc: SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov <SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: NASA Solid-Earth Team Meeting lightning talk

Hi Jianli,

Please send us your lightning talk title ASAP. We are finalizing the meeting agenda.



From: "Phillips, Benjamin R. (HQ-DK000)" <ben.phillips at nasa.gov>
Date: Monday, September 30, 2019 at 4:17 PM
To: "SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov" <SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: NASA Solid-Earth Team Meeting lightning talk

We have picked you, along with other 2016 ESI and 2014 GNSS awardees, to present a lightning talk on your research funded under one of those programs at the upcoming NASA Solid-Earth Team (SET) meeting. Your talk is scheduled for the Lightning Talks # 1<https://sites.google.com/a/nasa.gov/esi-2019/agenda> session on Monday Nov 4, 10:00-10:30.

Lightning talks are shorter than a typical talk, with these specific constraints: 3 slides, 55 seconds each on auto-advance (3 minutes total, including transition). We plan to have a series of these talks each day, presented consecutively during the plenary session, in order to give an overview of the types of research funded under ESI. We recognize that these quick talks are challenging, but they provide a high level of ideas exchange that is key to the meeting.

Please respond with the title of your presentation by next Monday, October 7. Presentation files should be submitted by Friday, November 1. You may upload your presentation to the google drive presentation folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/164yTsb8eMfePxy1XaJLGzn1E9MQiIITT?usp=sharing> with the following format: LT1_LastName_FirstName.pptx. Alternatively, you can send presentations directly to SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:SET-Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>.

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