[Posidon] POSIDON Planning Teleconference today at 2pm PDT

FARRIS, RONALD L. (JSC-CC111)[DynCorp International LLC] ronald.l.farris at nasa.gov
Wed Jun 8 13:08:11 PDT 2016

ISU = Internal Slingable Unit.  Ours are 88"x108"x96"high.  We pack all our kit in them and ship them via USAF C-5 or C-17 typically (or via ground transportation if within the continental US).  Sorry for the confusion.



From: FARRIS, RONALD L. (JSC-CC111)[DynCorp International LLC]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 2:00 PM
To: Jensen, Eric J. (ARC-SGG); posidon at espo.nasa.gov
Subject: RE: [Posidon] POSIDON Planning Teleconference today at 2pm PDT

All - we are assessing options to minimize the ISU count and movements.

One topic to be addressed at the meeting is the feasibility of removing pallet-mounted experiments from the pallets after the integration/checkout/verification flights at EFD, packing them in pelican cases (or similar) and then shipping them to Guam in ISUs to be reintegrated after the WB returns to Guam (from Kadena).  Doing this saves the logistics and handling equipment for spare pallets and a need to have a reconfiguration team to install them at Guam during the initial ferry-over.  It also avoids exposing the experiments to the ferry environment plus two weeks of storage at Guam prior to POSIDON ops.

Please give this some thought prior to the meeting.


Ron Farris
WB-57 Senior Mission Manager
NASA JSC (DynCorp)
Aircraft Operations, Ellington Field
281.792.5973 office
210.660.6997 cell
Ronald.L.Farris at nasa.gov<mailto:Ronald.L.Farris at nasa.gov>

From: posidon [mailto:posidon-bounces at espo.nasa.gov] On Behalf Of Eric Jensen
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 1:26 PM
To: posidon at espo.nasa.gov
Subject: Re: [Posidon] POSIDON Planning Teleconference today at 2pm PDT

It is very important that we have a representative from each instrument team on the call.  There are  number of short-fuse issues that need to be resolved.  Please make every effort to join.  Those with life-threatening medical emergencies may be excused.


On 6/8/16 11:04 AM, CZECH, ERIN (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] wrote:
Hi all,

A reminder of today’s teleconference to discuss the WB-57 POSIDON experiment. I have attached a revised agenda, as well as the Guam site visit schedule and a pdf that outlines two possible integration schedules. We will discuss both the site visit and integration schedules on the call.

Since we will be relying heavily on WebEx for our discussions, please plan on joining the WebEx 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to test your system. The telecon and WebEx login information are below.

POSIDON Planning Telecon

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

2:00 pm  |  Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)  |  1 hr

Meeting number: 621 695 529

Meeting password: wb57

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PC: 200767

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Best regards,

Erin Czech
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
Office: (650) 604-1655
Cell: (650) 450-6538
erin.czech at nasa.gov<mailto:erin.czech at nasa.gov>


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