[Oracles-er2-investigators] flight plan

Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov
Thu Sep 8 23:51:20 PDT 2016

Hi Tim,

Thanks for working this.  As a head's up, the latest forecast shows cirrus over the planned position so I am now revising the plan and moving the points away from forecasted cloud location. New plan be sent later this morning.


From: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 5:35 PM
To: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>; Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>; REDEMANN, JENS (ARC-SGG) <jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov>; oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov; Sebastian Schmidt (Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu) <Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>; Pfister, Leonhard (ARC-SGG) <leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov>; Pablo Saide <saide at ucar.edu>; Robert Wood <robwood at atmos.washington.edu>
Subject: RE: flight plan


I should have checked that spreadsheet.  Here's an update that is closer to your times.  The earlier takeoff time is based upon predicted winds on the climb.  They are also predicting colder temps at altitude


From: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:10 PM
To: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF) <timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov<mailto:timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov>>; Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>; REDEMANN, JENS (ARC-SGG) <jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov>>; oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov>; Sebastian Schmidt (Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>) <Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>>; Pfister, Leonhard (ARC-SGG) <leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov<mailto:leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov>>; Pablo Saide <saide at ucar.edu<mailto:saide at ucar.edu>>; Robert Wood <robwood at atmos.washington.edu<mailto:robwood at atmos.washington.edu>>
Subject: RE: flight plan

Hi Tim,

Thanks for working this plan.

Sorry, I meant to say that Pt. 11 would be at 10:24 UT not 10:44 UT. The column labeled UTC in the spreadsheet 20160910_pattern3c has the times that I came up with.

The pattern that you have looks pretty close to the times that I have.  Later in the flight some of your times are about 10-15 min later than what I have.  This may still work if we can get the P-3 to adjust to the times that you have. I will check with Sebastian tomorrow to see if we can have the P-3 hit the points with the times in your plan.

Thanks for adding the satellite tracks. These represent subsatellite points for Terra and Aqua. The flight tracks do not have to be directly under the subsatellite points for Terra and Aqua MODIS because these sensors have large swaths. The Terra track orientation looks good with leg 8-9. I think the leg 20-21 should work also but I can check.

As I mentioned earlier, the pattern may change if forecasted cloud position changes. We will get you any changes tomorrow late morning. I will also work on Monday plan.

Thanks for your help!


From: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 4:33 PM
To: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>>; Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>; REDEMANN, JENS (ARC-SGG) <jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov>>; oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov>; Sebastian Schmidt (Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>) <Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>>; Pfister, Leonhard (ARC-SGG) <leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov<mailto:leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov>>; Pablo Saide <saide at ucar.edu<mailto:saide at ucar.edu>>; Robert Wood <robwood at atmos.washington.edu<mailto:robwood at atmos.washington.edu>>
Subject: RE: flight plan


Here's what I have for the plan.

For your instructions, the distance between Pt 11 (at 1044 UTC) and Pt 14 (at 1050 UTC) is ~190 nm which is difficult to accomplish in 6 min.  Can you confirm the times at those points?  I added extra points to the Terra pass to adjust timing.  The total time is over 9 hours, but we can adjust by turning short of Pt 21, as you suggested.

The satellite data from Larc website had the satellite tracks as depicted by the blue and purple lines on the chart.  Are these flight lines close enough to the tracks?



From: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:42 AM
To: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF) <timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov<mailto:timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov>>; Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>; REDEMANN, JENS (ARC-SGG) <jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:jens.redemann-1 at nasa.gov>>; oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:oracles-er2-investigators at espo.nasa.gov>; Sebastian Schmidt (Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>) <Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>>; Pfister, Leonhard (ARC-SGG) <leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov<mailto:leonhard.pfister at nasa.gov>>; Pablo Saide <saide at ucar.edu<mailto:saide at ucar.edu>>; Robert Wood <robwood at atmos.washington.edu<mailto:robwood at atmos.washington.edu>>
Subject: RE: flight plan

Tim and Stu,

Here is second draft of ER-2 plan for Saturday.  There was a desire to have more coordination between P3 and ER-2 so this is why this plan changed a lot. (Sorry.) The general idea is for the ER-2 to fly over the P-3 twice over each of two particular points. These legs are oriented in particular directions as shown in the figure and described below. The second lower priority is to fly along Terra track orientation at a particular time. The lowest priority is following Aqua overpass to the northwest at the end of the plan. Please let us know if this is possible and/or what changes need to be made.


Point 2 is ~Nibek
Point 3 starts a S-N leg that P-3 will also follow.
Point 4 is the location for starting AirMSPI leg
Point 5 is the first P-3 coordination location (P-3 point #1).  We desire ER-2 to be there at about 09:00 UT
Point 6 is the location for ending AirMSPI leg
Point 7 is the end of the S-N run.  The idea for 7-10 is to delay before going over P-3 point#1 again towards the end of the period when P-3 is in this vicinity.
Leg 8-9 is leg coincident with Terra overpass. Therefore, ER-2 should be going along this orientation at time of Terra overpass ~09:56 UT.
Leg 10-12 is leg along or near principal plane.  Point 11 is the second time we go over P-3 point#1. This would be around ~10:44 UT
Point 13 starts a N-S leg to line up second P-3 point.
Point 14 is the second P-3 coordination location (P-3 point #2). The expectation is for the ER-2 to be there around 10:50 UT.
Point 15 ends the N-S leg.
Leg 16-18 is a racetrack type pattern to delay while the P-3 works the area as well as to add a leg between the two N-S legs.
Point 18 starts the second N-S leg to line up the second P-3 point
Point 19 is the second pass over the second P-3 coordination location (P-3 point #2). The expectation is for the ER-2 to be there around 11:44 UT
Point 20 ends the N-S leg
Leg 20-21 is a mapping leg oriented roughly along the Aqua overpass (~12:44 UT).
After point 21 the ER-2 starts to head back.
Point 22 is ~Nibek

The P-3 coincidence times do not have to be exact...probably +/- 10 min will work.

Time adjustments can be made by cutting the corner at point 3, cutting the corner at point 7. If the total time is too long, point 21 can be moved southeast. Total time is hopefully about 9 hours.

There is a chance that the two P-3 coordination points may change depending on the cloud and aerosol location. This would require adjusting the plan. If/when this occurs, we can hopefully get this to you during Friday late morning/early afternoon.

Stu/Coach...I can meet with you at ops center tomorrow to go over this and any changes.



From: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 10:06 AM
To: Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>; Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>
Subject: Re: flight plan

Stu - would it help to overlay the P-3 track on your chart?

Sent from my phone

On Sep 8, 2016, at 03:15, Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>> wrote:
Stu and Tim,

As a head's up, Saturday's plan will be changing (as you likely expected).  New draft plans coming out this afternoon and I will send these to you as soon as we have them.


From: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF)
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 1:44 AM
To: Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>>; Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>
Subject: Re: flight plan

Sure - sounds good

Sent from my phone

On Sep 7, 2016, at 21:50, Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>> wrote:

Thank you! Can you be available tomorrow (at your leisure) and/or Friday morning around 0730-ish PST for final adjustments? It's 9 hours later here.


The current plan shows a flight time of 8:25, but arrives at the first point on the science route at 55,000' in the climb. Maneuvering to start that leg at 65,000' will add 10-15 minutes to the plan.


On Sep 8, 2016, at 6:03 AM, Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF) <timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov<mailto:timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov>> wrote:
Stu - here you go - please double check everything - if you need something other than GNC, let me know

Click Here for Foreflight Strip<Foreflightmobile://maps/search?q=APT@FYWB+NIBEK+S2240.98/E01311.25+S2018.45/E01048.03+S1929.51/E01000.33+S1826.80/E00900.00+S1800.05/E00900.04+S1230.00/E00900.00+S1153.59/E00900.00+S0746.02/E00900.00+S0528.57/E00900.08+S0312.23/E00900.00+S0124.47/E00650.42+S0148.29/E00635.05+S0555.34/E00355.67+S0646.03/E00415.03+S1049.51/E00549.26+S1348.00/E00823.63+S1439.61/E00939.36+S1736.40/E01054.69+S2227.50/E01305.07+S2240.80/E01311.25+NIBEK+WBV+APT@FYWB+.70M+216PPH+65000FT>

From: Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 8:51 AM
To: Williams, Timothy L. (AFRC-OF) <timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov<mailto:timothy.l.williams at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nystrom, Jan V. (AFRC-OF)[L-3 COMMUNICATIONS VERTEX AEROSPACE LLC (AFRC)] <jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov<mailto:jan.v.nystrom at nasa.gov>>; Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>>; Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Thomson, Michael P. (AFRC-PS) <michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.p.thomson at nasa.gov>>
Subject: FW: flight plan


My computer is still refusing to start PFPS and Falcon View (only). Could you create a flight plan for us, please?

The excel file has waypoints in digital format, but I think PFPS can convert (I've only worked with DD MM.mmm recently).

Takeoff and landing will be at 0700Z, on 10 September from Walvis Bay (FYWB). We'll depart and arrive through "NIBEK" (S 22 58.1, E 13 12.2), west of Walvis Bay (Rich, that's a standard point for our missioins).

We'd like to land with 600-650 gallons (160nm divert to Windhoek, plus fuel to ferry back to Walvis Bay).

Flight time should be either 8 or 9 hours: We're planning to play catchup with mid-week, back-to-back 8-hour flights and 9-hour flights bordered by no-fly days.



From: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304)
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 3:21 PM
To: Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <donald.s.broce at nasa.gov<mailto:donald.s.broce at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>; Sebastian Schmidt (Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>) <Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu>>
Subject: RE: flight plan


Here is a first draft of Saturday's ER-2 plan.  Can you have a look at this to see if looks like it may work?

We would like to see what the length of time you obtain for this, so I can get a feeling of how your time compares to what I came up with.  Also, if there are particular points that the ER-2 needs to go over (or avoid) please let us know.

The idea would be for the ER-2 to climb up on the way to point 3 and be at altitude at point 3. We would expect the ER-2 to also then descend after 12 on route back to FWVB.

We want to meet the P-3 between 11 and 12, at the intersection with the north-south line.  Hopefully, we can tell them a particular time to be there.

Please let me know if you can  use the Excel file "...for pilots" or if there is another format that is better.

Takeoff time would be 9 am local.



From: Broce, Donald Stuart. (AFRC-OF)[i3]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 6:45 AM
To: Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Nelson, James G. (AFRC-OF)[i3] <james.g.nelson at nasa.gov<mailto:james.g.nelson at nasa.gov>>
Subject: Re: flight plan

Let's make it 20 miles (buffer for 12 mile limit).


On Sep 7, 2016, at 12:17, Ferrare, Richard A. (LARC-E304) <richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov<mailto:richard.a.ferrare at nasa.gov>> wrote:
Hi Stu and Coach,

We are working on draft plans for ER-2 flight on Saturday.

What is the minimum distance we should allow between the tracks and any coastline?

See the first draft below.



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