[Meeting-support] [EXTERNAL] Fwd: TEMPO testing drop in - Webex for presenters

Hu, Lu lu.hu at mso.umt.edu
Tue May 31 07:56:38 PDT 2022

Hello there,

Here is the presentation for the part of the following TEMPO session as a backup.

NOx/VOC Randall Martin 1430 1530



Lu Hu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Montana - Missoula
Email: lu.hu at mso.umt.edu<mailto:lu.hu at mso.umt.edu>
Office: 406-243-4231
Cell: 406-203-8539
Research group: https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhs.umt.edu%2Fluhu%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cmeeting-support%40espo.nasa.gov%7C69ecc626915d4b15a97608da4315ca95%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637896058127055557%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=hslPHV74Gc0%2BITxiOVRagG%2BRVFyXpWfGRfLEePIfXNg%3D&reserved=0

Begin forwarded message:

From: Randall Martin <rvmartin at wustl.edu<mailto:rvmartin at wustl.edu>>
Subject: Fwd: TEMPO testing drop in - Webex for presenters
Date: May 23, 2022 at 4:22:04 PM MDT
To: Daven Henze <daven.henze at colorado.edu<mailto:daven.henze at colorado.edu>>, "Li, Chi" <chili at wustl.edu<mailto:chili at wustl.edu>>, Qindan Zhu <qindan_zhu at berkeley.edu<mailto:qindan_zhu at berkeley.edu>>, "Hu, Lu" <lu.hu at mso.umt.edu<mailto:lu.hu at mso.umt.edu>>, huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu<mailto:huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu>

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        TEMPO testing drop in - Webex for presenters
Resent-From:    randall.martin at dal.ca<mailto:randall.martin at dal.ca>
Date:   Mon, 23 May 2022 21:58:00 +0000
From:   Kennedy, Lynn (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] <lynn.kennedy at nasa.gov><mailto:lynn.kennedy at nasa.gov>
To:     Kelly Chance <kchance at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:kchance at cfa.harvard.edu>, Caroline Nowlan <cnowlan at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:cnowlan at cfa.harvard.edu>,hee_sung.chong at cfa.harvard.edu<mailto:hee_sung.chong at cfa.harvard.edu> <hee_sung.chong at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:hee_sung.chong at cfa.harvard.edu>, Lefer, Barry L. (HQ-DK000) <barry.lefer at nasa.gov><mailto:barry.lefer at nasa.gov>, Daugherty, Kevin (LARC-E305) <kevin.j.daugherty at nasa.gov><mailto:kevin.j.daugherty at nasa.gov>, Liu, Xiong (GSFC-6190)[SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION] <xliu at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:xliu at cfa.harvard.edu>, jun-wang-1 at uiowa.edu<mailto:jun-wang-1 at uiowa.edu> <jun-wang-1 at uiowa.edu><mailto:jun-wang-1 at uiowa.edu>, randall.martin at dal.ca<mailto:randall.martin at dal.ca> <randall.martin at dal.ca><mailto:randall.martin at dal.ca>, Szykman, James J. (LARC-E303)[EPA/LaRC] <james.j.szykman at nasa.gov><mailto:james.j.szykman at nasa.gov>, cohen at cchem.berkeley.edu<mailto:cohen at cchem.berkeley.edu> <cohen at cchem.berkeley.edu><mailto:cohen at cchem.berkeley.edu>,mike.newchurch at nsstc.uah.edu<mailto:mike.newchurch at nsstc.uah.edu> <mike.newchurch at nsstc.uah.edu><mailto:mike.newchurch at nsstc.uah.edu>, rbpierce at wisc.edu<mailto:rbpierce at wisc.edu><rbpierce at wisc.edu><mailto:rbpierce at wisc.edu>, rsuleiman at cfa.harvard.edu<mailto:rsuleiman at cfa.harvard.edu> <rsuleiman at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:rsuleiman at cfa.harvard.edu>, Naeger, Aaron (MSFC-ST11)[UAH] <aaron.naeger at nasa.gov><mailto:aaron.naeger at nasa.gov>, ggonzalezabad at cfa.harvard.edu<mailto:ggonzalezabad at cfa.harvard.edu><ggonzalezabad at cfa.harvard.edu><mailto:ggonzalezabad at cfa.harvard.edu>, Kim, Samuel S. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] <samuel.s.kim at nasa.gov><mailto:samuel.s.kim at nasa.gov>, zachary.fasnacht at ssaihq.com<mailto:zachary.fasnacht at ssaihq.com> <zachary.fasnacht at ssaihq.com><mailto:zachary.fasnacht at ssaihq.com>, Pearlman, Aaron J. (GSFC-618.0)[GEOTHINKTANK, LLC] <aaron.j.pearlman at nasa.gov><mailto:aaron.j.pearlman at nasa.gov>, lukas.fehr at usask.ca<mailto:lukas.fehr at usask.ca> <lukas.fehr at usask.ca><mailto:lukas.fehr at usask.ca>, Li, Can (GSFC-614.0)[UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND]<can.li at nasa.gov><mailto:can.li at nasa.gov>, Joiner, Joanna (GSFC-6140) <joanna.joiner-1 at nasa.gov><mailto:joanna.joiner-1 at nasa.gov>, mgd7uv at virginia.edu<mailto:mgd7uv at virginia.edu><mgd7uv at virginia.edu><mailto:mgd7uv at virginia.edu>, xi-chen-4 at uiowa.edu<mailto:xi-chen-4 at uiowa.edu> <xi-chen-4 at uiowa.edu><mailto:xi-chen-4 at uiowa.edu>, iortega at ucar.edu<mailto:iortega at ucar.edu><iortega at ucar.edu><mailto:iortega at ucar.edu>, imd3ax at virginia.edu<mailto:imd3ax at virginia.edu> <imd3ax at virginia.edu><mailto:imd3ax at virginia.edu>, jcarr at carrastro.com<mailto:jcarr at carrastro.com><jcarr at carrastro.com><mailto:jcarr at carrastro.com>, chengzli at uiowa.edu<mailto:chengzli at uiowa.edu> <chengzli at uiowa.edu><mailto:chengzli at uiowa.edu>, lakhima-chutia at uiowa.edu<mailto:lakhima-chutia at uiowa.edu><lakhima-chutia at uiowa.edu><mailto:lakhima-chutia at uiowa.edu>, zolalaya at buffalo.edu<mailto:zolalaya at buffalo.edu> <zolalaya at buffalo.edu><mailto:zolalaya at buffalo.edu>, qwang100 at uiowa.edu<mailto:qwang100 at uiowa.edu><qwang100 at uiowa.edu><mailto:qwang100 at uiowa.edu>, dptmf209 at yonsei.ac.kr<mailto:dptmf209 at yonsei.ac.kr> <dptmf209 at yonsei.ac.kr><mailto:dptmf209 at yonsei.ac.kr>, chhs7313 at colorado.edu<mailto:chhs7313 at colorado.edu><chhs7313 at colorado.edu><mailto:chhs7313 at colorado.edu>, BERKOFF, TIMOTHY A. (LARC-E304) <timothy.a.berkoff at nasa.gov><mailto:timothy.a.berkoff at nasa.gov>,eslind at vt.edu<mailto:eslind at vt.edu> <eslind at vt.edu><mailto:eslind at vt.edu>, zhendong-lu at uiowa.edu<mailto:zhendong-lu at uiowa.edu> <zhendong-lu at uiowa.edu><mailto:zhendong-lu at uiowa.edu>, Stremme at atmosfera.unam.mx<mailto:Stremme at atmosfera.unam.mx> <Stremme at atmosfera.unam.mx><mailto:Stremme at atmosfera.unam.mx>, pickerin at umd.edu<mailto:pickerin at umd.edu><pickerin at umd.edu><mailto:pickerin at umd.edu>, scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu> <scrowell at ou.edu><mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>, Travis, Katherine R. (LARC-E303)<katherine.travis at nasa.gov><mailto:katherine.travis at nasa.gov>, Changwoo Ahn (GSFC-614.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] <changwoo.ahn at ssaihq.com><mailto:changwoo.ahn at ssaihq.com>, audrey.gaudel at noaa.gov<mailto:audrey.gaudel at noaa.gov> <audrey.gaudel at noaa.gov><mailto:audrey.gaudel at noaa.gov>, Lamsal, Lok Nath. (GSFC-614.0)[UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE CO] <lok.lamsal at nasa.gov><mailto:lok.lamsal at nasa.gov>, Knowland, Emma (GSFC-610.1)[MORGAN STATE UNIV.] <k.e.knowland at nasa.gov><mailto:k.e.knowland at nasa.gov>, huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu<mailto:huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu><huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu><mailto:huanxin-zhang at uiowa.edu>, bowang at bu.edu<mailto:bowang at bu.edu> <bowang at bu.edu><mailto:bowang at bu.edu>, jdeast at ncsu.edu<mailto:jdeast at ncsu.edu><jdeast at ncsu.edu><mailto:jdeast at ncsu.edu>, Autore, Ashlee M. (LARC-E301)[Science Systems & Applications, Inc.]<ashlee.m.autore at nasa.gov><mailto:ashlee.m.autore at nasa.gov>, alex.kotsakis at gmail.com<mailto:alex.kotsakis at gmail.com> <alex.kotsakis at gmail.com><mailto:alex.kotsakis at gmail.com>, Susan McFadden<mcfadden at baeri.org><mailto:mcfadden at baeri.org>

This drop-in Webex test session is for those presenting or moderating sessions or posters at next week’s TEMPO meetings.

  *   Thursday May 26, 2022, noon-2pm EDT (9-11am PDT)

Please join at your convenience to test audio and video sharing. If someone who will be sharing as part of one of your sessions has not been copied on this meeting please feel free to share the invitation. We’ll use the Webex link (copied below) for the TEMPO STM meeting, days 1 and 2, for this session:

Join from the meeting link:

Join by meeting number:
Meeting number (access code): 2556 089 1029
Meeting password: Launch1

We also recommend that presenters send their slides to meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov> prior to the meeting as a backup in case you have technical problems sharing. Please only send presentations that we may post publicly on the TEMPO website following the meeting.

  *   Only material suitable for full and open distribution shall be submitted and submittals shall be considered approved by the providing organization to be suitable for full and open distribution. No proprietary, export controlled, classified, or sensitive material should be presented.  If you are with NASA, Form NF-1676 has been replaced by a website called STRIVES (Scientific, Technical and Research Information discoVEry System) for the submission and approval for NASA STI (Scientific and Technical Information) (https://strives.nasa.gov<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstrives.nasa.gov%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cmeeting-support%40espo.nasa.gov%7C69ecc626915d4b15a97608da4315ca95%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637896058127055557%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=LiBniSuncdQaq%2FU4rcm5Neuu7lBevsGV%2B4hc7hYCnC4%3D&reserved=0>).

Meeting agenda and information:

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