[Meeting-support] [EXTERNAL] E-Poster Templates for NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting 2021

Lynn Kennedy kennedy at baeri.org
Wed Oct 13 16:33:47 PDT 2021


Thank you for submitting your poster intro slide. We’ll share it with the organizing committee and be in touch soon regarding scheduling and followup details.

I noticed your slide title is a bit longer than the limitation for the breakout room name; we will shorten it, or you may give us a shorter version for the breakout room (max 63 characters).

You’ll notice I’ve changed the subject line on this message; your submission note was buried in a very long/complex email conversation and I almost missed it - I’m still trying to figure out if I found everything.

Best regards,

Lynn Kennedy
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
kennedy at baeri.org
+1.415.605.5264 mobile/Whatsapp

> On Oct 13, 2021, at 2:54 PM, Enrique Montes Herrera via Meeting-support <meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Dear Susan and Judy,
> My high-level slide for the BEF meeting is available for download here <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fpresentation%2Fd%2F1zfw52T1Dma1vn9O51PjXdl27izl6NoxP%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing%26ouid%3D115089029950899725756%26rtpof%3Dtrue%26sd%3Dtrue&data=04%7C01%7CMeeting-Support%40espo.nasa.gov%7C9123812d526e4b29f06d08d98ea1edd9%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637697651100890159%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=VposmqNl4GR2aNBEFEEaSAc6PPb9wcsL3nmySVwNvAA%3D&reserved=0>.
> Thank you,
> Enrique
> PS: My affiliation has changed to NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). You can now contact me at Enrique.Montes at noaa.gov.
> Enrique Montes
> Institute for Marine Remote Sensing
> College of Marine Science
> University of South Florida
> 140 7th Ave south
> KORC 3127B
> St Petersburg
> Florida 33701 - USA
> Email: emontesh at usf.edu
> Office: +1 (727) 553-1112
> From: Turner, Woody (HQ-DK000) <woody.turner at nasa.gov>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 4:04 PM
> To: Turner, Woody (HQ-DK000) <woody.turner at nasa.gov>
> Cc: Gaddis, Keith D. (HQ-DK000) <keith.gaddis at nasa.gov>; Mcfadden, Susan K. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] <susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov>; Alfter, Judy (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] <judy.alfter at nasa.gov>; Lynn Kennedy <kennedy at baeri.org>
> Subject: URGENT REMINDER: Completed E-Poster Templates Due COB TODAY for NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting 2021
> Hi NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team:
> For All e-Poster Presenters, please send in your completed one-slide Powerpoint template (attached) to our meeting organizers Susan McFadden and Judy Alfter at Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov <mailto:Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov> by COB today.
> Posters are expected from all funded investigators in the NASA Biological Diversity and Ecological Forecasting Programs not already giving an oral presentation at the team meeting and are invited from all FINESST future investigators.
> Thank you very much and see you next week,
> Woody
> Woody Turner
> Program Scientist, Biological Diversity
> Earth Science Division
> NASA Headquarters
> Washington, DC 20546-0001
> 202-358-1662
> From: "Turner, Woody (HQ-DK000)" <woody.turner at nasa.gov>
> Date: Friday, October 1, 2021 at 1:29 PM
> To: "Turner, Woody (HQ-DK000)" <woody.turner at nasa.gov>
> Cc: "Gaddis, Keith D. (HQ-DK000)" <keith.gaddis at nasa.gov>, Subject: PLEASE READ: NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting 2021 (October 19-21) Agenda, Website, and Guidance
> Dear NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team and Invited Guests:
> We now have a draft agenda (actually, it’s pretty near final) for the team meeting October 19-21. 
> The draft agenda is attached and also posted on the updated meeting website at https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmeeting-info.org%2Fbiodiversity-2021%2F&data=04%7C01%7CMeeting-Support%40espo.nasa.gov%7C9123812d526e4b29f06d08d98ea1edd9%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637697651100890159%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=oyFC2jpIF7R3NSl4%2Fo2CDVuCfrcT6EZ0P7WCmuKG8lI%3D&reserved=0 <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmeeting-info.org%2Fbiodiversity-2021%2F&data=04%7C01%7CMeeting-Support%40espo.nasa.gov%7C9123812d526e4b29f06d08d98ea1edd9%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637697651100890159%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=oyFC2jpIF7R3NSl4%2Fo2CDVuCfrcT6EZ0P7WCmuKG8lI%3D&reserved=0>.
> If you have not registered for this meeting, please do so at the Registration tab on the link above ASAP.
> Given the large number of projects between the two NASA programs (due to recent selections and our COVID-19 cancellation of last year’s meeting) along with the online nature of the meeting, there is simply no way for us to provide a platform for all projects—or even all mature projects—to present in the meeting plenary, as we have done in past team meetings.
> So, we have selected a handful of projects to present in this meeting’s plenary sessions, trying to demonstrate programmatic breadth in terms of terrestrial and marine realms, geography, the scale of the activity, and the full spectrum of basic research through applications.
> Keith Gaddis and I have already separately contacted those from whom we are seeking a plenary talk.
> All other funded project PIs who have not heard from us, as well as those FINESST future investigators who would like to present, should prepare an e-poster for presentation during one of the three poster sessions.
> All Poster Presenters: please follow the guidance at the e-Posters tab on the meeting website. 
> Your first poster step will be to complete the attached template above (and also online on the e-Posters page) and submit it to our meeting organizers Susan McFadden and Judy Alfter at Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov <mailto:Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov> by COB Wednesday, October 13.  Doing so will confirm your plans to submit a poster and also allow us to assign your poster to one of the three sessions.  This completed template will further serve as your one-minute slide for presentation in the plenary lightning/speed talk session taking place before you move electronically to your individual poster room for presentation of full your e-poster.  We will let you know your poster session by October 15.
> Thank you for your participation in what should be a fascinating team meeting.
> Best,
> Woody
> Woody Turner
> Program Scientist, Biological Diversity
> Program Manager, Ecological Forecasting
> Earth Science Division
> NASA Headquarters
> Washington, DC 20546-0001
> 202-358-1662
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