[Meeting-support] two e-poster intro slides

Mary Blair mblair1 at amnh.org
Wed Oct 13 12:55:08 PDT 2021

Hi Lynn,

Thanks - I thought I had squeezed in below the character limit but I guess not! Hows this:

Blair-Expanding Wallace, a species distribution modeling tool

And I would be happy to do both in the same breakout room if that makes sense for the themes.
I was going to ask If possible Victor Gutierrez Velez could join me for the A39 project breakout, but he has his own A50 project poster to talk about so there might be a conflict for him... -  if it wouldn't be too confusing for people, I wonder if maybe all 3 of our posters could be in the same room (Victor's A50, my A50, and my A39, since they are all very related... but I'm also happy to keep separate, too. We are flexible!

From: Lynn Kennedy <kennedy at baeri.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 1:17 PM
To: Mary Blair <mblair1 at amnh.org>
Cc: Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov <Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: [Meeting-support] two e-poster intro slides


Hi Mary,

I’ve updated your slide in the master files.

I noted that the title for your other presentation - Blair-Expanding Wallace, a tool for species distribution modeling - is two characters too long for the breakout room name. Do you want to suggest a shorter version for the room name?

I also wonder whether or not you plan to discuss both posters in one breakout room, or if you want two breakout rooms and someone else will be in one of them?

Thank you,

Lynn Kennedy
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
kennedy at baeri.org<mailto:kennedy at baeri.org>
+1.415.605.5264 mobile/Whatsapp

On Oct 13, 2021, at 9:24 AM, Mary Blair <mblair1 at amnh.org<mailto:mblair1 at amnh.org>> wrote:

Thank you!

Also, I'm so sorry but I'm sending a replacement for one of my e-poster intro slides, it just had a minor error.


Best and thanks again,

From: Lynn Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 3:06 PM
To: Mary Blair
Cc: Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>; Gaddis, Keith (HQ-DK000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.]; Schmidt, Cindy (ARC-SGE)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]
Subject: Re: [Meeting-support] two e-poster intro slides

Thank Mary,

Blurb reached us by both routes and is online now.


Lynn Kennedy
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
kennedy at baeri.org<mailto:kennedy at baeri.org>
+1.415.605.5264 mobile/Whatsapp

On Oct 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM, Mary Blair <mblair1 at amnh.org<mailto:mblair1 at amnh.org>> wrote:

Thanks Lynn,

Also, in case its helpful for you to have in addition to Cindy, here's the "blurb" describing our demo for weds. at 3pm:

Demo Title:  A Suite of Tools to Support Biodiversity Assessment and Decision Making
Demo summary text blurb:
  We will introduce and give a live demonstration of tools developed in partnership with the Colombia Biodiversity Observation Network (BON), including tools for modeling and mapping species distributions and decision-support infrastructure and tools related to ecosystem distribution and biodiversity indicators. Together these tools help facilitate sustained use of GEO BON’s Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) derived from Earth Observations for biodiversity assessment, reporting, and decision-making in the Colombian BON and others.

From: Lynn Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 12:29 PM
To: Mary Blair
Cc: Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:Meeting-Support at espo.nasa.gov>; Gaddis, Keith (HQ-DK000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.]; Schmidt, Cindy (ARC-SGE)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]
Subject: Re: [Meeting-support] two e-poster intro slides

Dear Mary,

Thank you for sending your two poster intro slides. I’ve made a note to the committee about your scheduling request. We’ll follow up with additional information soon.

Best regards,

Lynn Kennedy
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
kennedy at baeri.org<mailto:kennedy at baeri.org>
+1.415.605.5264 mobile/Whatsapp

On Oct 12, 2021, at 8:29 AM, Mary Blair via Meeting-support <meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov>> wrote:

Dear Judy and Susan,

Please find attached two e-poster intro slides for my two poster presentations (one on the A50 project and one on the new A39 project).

Also now that I can see the agenda timing, unfortunately I cannot be scheduled for the Thursday afternoon/evening poster session because of a childcare conflict... I hope it is feasible to schedule me for the Tuesday and Wednesday poster sessions! If not, please let me know as soon as you can and I can request one of my team members to present on my behalf if on Thursday. Thanks.

And, I know Cindy also needs a blurb from me & Victor about our Wednesday demo and we will be working on that today to send tomorrow!

Best regards and looking forward to the meeting next week,

Mary Blair, Ph.D. (she/her)
Director, Biodiversity Informatics Research
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC)
Affiliated Professor, Richard Gilder Graduate School
American Museum of Natural History
Email: mblair1 at amnh.org<mailto:mblair1 at amnh.org>
Phone: 1 (212) 313-7077
Skype: maryeblair1
Twitter: @marye_blair

Learn more about the CBC at: http://www.amnh.org/our-research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation
Meeting-support mailing list
Meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:Meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov>


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