[Meeting-support] [Tempo] 2021 TEMPO STM will be June 2&3 - Send E-Poster title submissions by 5/14

Gupta, Pawan (MSFC-ST11)[USRA] pawan.gupta at nasa.gov
Thu May 13 13:54:16 UTC 2021


I would like to present an e-poster on the following topic during upcoming TEMPO science team meeting:

“Towards Global Diurnal Cycle of Aerosols: A LEO-GEO Synergy”

Thanks, Pawan
Pawan Gupta, PhD
Senior Scientist, Earth Sciences
STI/USRA, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
NSSTC-4209,320, Sparkman Drive,
Huntsville, AL 35805, USA
Phone: 256-961-7913, Email: pawan.gupta at nasa.gov<mailto:pawan.gupta at nasa.gov>

From: Tempo <tempo-bounces at espo.nasa.gov> on behalf of "Alfter, Judy (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] via Tempo" <tempo at espo.nasa.gov>
Reply-To: "Alfter, Judy (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]" <judy.alfter at nasa.gov>
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 9:50 AM
To: "tempo at espo.nasa.gov" <tempo at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: [Tempo] 2021 TEMPO STM will be June 2&3 - Send E-Poster title submissions by 5/14

Hello TEMPO Science Team Community,

The 2021 TEMPO Science Team Meeting is scheduled for June 2nd – 3rd and planning is underway as it is in less than a month.  Please save these dates on your calendar.

We are requesting e-poster title submissions for consideration by the planning committee.   Please submit your e-poster title no later than Friday, May 14th by 0800 PDT to meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov> .  If your e-poster title is selected by the committee, you will be notified via email by Friday, May 21st.

Additional information is available on the 2021 TEMPO STM<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmeeting-info.org%2Ftempo-stm2021%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cpawan.gupta%40nasa.gov%7Cac7d0c455f7944231b7c08d913c2f048%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637562550248138907%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=Ani%2BdwXHFnC32XaEV7ZIFPF%2BZCMkIuatVBC7%2FHId0OI%3D&reserved=0> website.  The  e-Posters tab contains information on presentation formats, templates, and deadlines for the posters.

If you have any questions, please email meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:meeting-support at espo.nasa.gov>

Judy Alfter
Project Coordinator

Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
Building N232, Room 263, MS 232-22
Moffett Field, CA. 94035-0001

judy.alfter at nasa.gov<mailto:judyalfter at nasa.gov>
+1.650.559.4229 mobile

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