[Meeting-support] UAS Workshop follow-up

Mcfadden, Susan K. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov
Fri Mar 12 08:26:38 PST 2021

Apologies again for all the Webex issues. We’ve never experienced so many problems with the product.  I know Cisco has been rolling out new versions and the interface and features have been getting better and better.  We will be reporting on the issues, even some of the behind the scenes ones that you didn’t see…

Highlight summary:
Every Tuesday we send a summary of highlights to our division.  Below is the highlight I was going to send.  Have not had a chance to work on the photos yet but we often include a photo of participants.  Will send to you when it is done.

NASA ESI and ESTO held a UAS (Uncrewed Aircraft Systems) workshop on March 9-11, 2021.  ESPO hosted this virtual meeting.  The workshop had 363 distinct attendees across the 3-day workshop.  Dave Pieri received the UAS Aeronautical Adventures Award for his contributions to using UAS in science research.  The meeting website is https://meeting-info.org/uas-workshop-2021/ and the Question/Answer site is https://tinyurl.com/4QandA.  If you are interested in receiving more information about future meetings/collaborations, fill out this survey<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLScXx3-2SU8dPLV4Z_7xUvmcqpUVJxdQ0czP0orENRtJ_gPW9A%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsf_link&data=04%7C01%7Csusan.k.mcfadden%40nasa.gov%7C05290f430a5a477c15d208d8d4fe5483%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637493536082630824%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=XEGKo4gKyk8zcMqQ4FDpGTFPmtNkxOiOf5GdY%2B5vGms%3D&reserved=0> which will remain open until the end of March and you will be added to the mailing list.

Please let me know before next Tuesday 0800 PST:

1.       If you do not want the meeting website or Q/A website shared on the highlight submission

2.       if you want the survey turned off as I’ve kept it open and changed the heading to say “The workshop was on March 9-11. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future announcements, please fill out this survey.  Visit https://meeting-info.org/uas-workshop-2021 for the meeting information.”

There were 363 distinct email connections over the 3-day workshop.  Day 1 had 289 different emails, Day 2 had 261 and Day 3 had 211.  Not sure if it kept going down due to our webex issues or because they knew there would be a recording.  Someone posted on Q&A that there would be a recording shared with all.  I am working on the putting passwords on the recordings and naming them.  I plan to send an email with links to the recordings to the mailing list.

1.       Do you want to give everyone the ability to download the recordings or just watch them?  We don’t want to have the recordings online forever so if downloading is okay, I’ll leave that option or give me a date when they can be removed from the cloud storage.

2.       Do you want a link to the recordings posted on the website or just sent via email?

Summary slide:
Below is a slide we sometimes put together that HQ has used. Let me know if you want the ppt to make your own changes.  I took off the column with attendees per day because it didn’t look so good going down.

The mailing list, NASA-UAS, now has 496 distinct emails so lots of interest but the timing may not have worked well for all.

[Table  Description automatically generated]

Posting presentations:
Will be drafting a thank you email to the presenters for your review.  Will ask if they would send us their presentation if we don’t have it already and get permission to post a pdf of their presentation on the website.

  1.  How long do you want presentations posted?

Google Drive:
I’ve upload the Q&A export xls to the google drive<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13shQmwFiFXReqh4mNAXX_4GcoPBqv1Ta>.  Will upload webex chats saved later today.

Best regards,

Susan McFadden
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov<mailto:susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov>
+1.650.402.5031 mobile/Whatsapp/Viber

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