[Mailman-sync] Mailing List 'radsci moderation

ESPO webmaster at cloud1.arc.nasa.gov
Sun May 8 00:05:06 PDT 2022

Sent by: mailman at cloud1.arc.nasa.gov

The "radsci" mailing list has been synched and the following list of emails
were unable to add to the list due to lack of a person profile.
Copy the following list of emails, add the first name and last name
(firstname, lastname, email) as a comma separated entries (For example: John,
Smith, jsmith at nasa.gov). Reorder and check the checkboxes to match your
list's entry order and use  import users [1] to create person profiles.
Once the person profiles are created, the next sync process will add them to
the mailing list automatically.

susan.k.mcfadden at nasa.gov
zwang at uwyo.edu

[1] https://espo.nasa.gov/group/node/57933/admin/people/import-users

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