[Mailman-sync] Mailing List 'impacts-p-3 moderation

IMPACTS webmaster at cloud1.arc.nasa.gov
Sun May 1 00:05:08 PDT 2022

Sent by: mailman at cloud1.arc.nasa.gov

The "impacts-p-3" mailing list has been synched and the following list of
emails were unable to add to the list due to lack of a person profile.
Copy the following list of emails, add the first name and last name
(firstname, lastname, email) as a comma separated entries (For example: John,
Smith, jsmith at nasa.gov). Reorder and check the checkboxes to match your
list's entry order and use  import users [1] to create person profiles.
Once the person profiles are created, the next sync process will add them to
the mailing list automatically.

bobbsm2000 at mac.com
ghoffmann at usra.edu
impacts.forecasters at gmail.com
steve.feuer at noaa.gov
warren.madden at noaa.gov

[1] https://espo.nasa.gov/group/node/68440/admin/people/import-users

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