[Korus-aq] Honoring Doug Davis at Fall AGU

Crawford, James H. (LARC-E303) james.h.crawford at nasa.gov
Mon Nov 20 04:44:16 PST 2017

There is always a danger in sending a message like this too early or too late, but I expect that most of us are either working on our Fall AGU presentations or thinking hard about them.

It will be almost one year since the passing of Doug Davis when Fall AGU convenes next month. While the meeting rules expressly forbid sessions to be dedicated to or named for a person, I am hoping that many of you will join me in honoring Doug by placing his picture on your poster or in your talk but only if you are comfortable doing so.

You need not mention him specifically. Many will recognize him and others will ask about him if they see his picture everywhere. The attached picture will also be used in a tribute article that will appear in an upcoming edition of AGU's Eos newsletter.

Doug is one of those rare individuals who ties us all together in the family tree of atmospheric scientists. It is not an exaggeration to say that he started the whole business of airborne measurements of atmospheric chemistry in the late 1970s and led the field through the 1980s and 1990s.

There are many colorful stories about Doug, so let's take some time at AGU to remember him and tell some stories.


PS- I am passing it to several mailing lists, but please pass this along to others you think should see it.
Dr. James H. Crawford
Senior Scientist for Atmospheric Chemistry
NASA Langley Research Center
Science Directorate
Mail Stop 483
Hampton, VA 23681
(757) 864-7231
James.H.Crawford at nasa.gov<mailto:James.H.Crawford at nasa.gov>

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