[Korus-aq] RSSR Work Matrix

Crawford, James H. (LARC-E303) james.h.crawford at nasa.gov
Sun Apr 23 17:03:07 PDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

The attached spreadsheet represents a first attempt at creating a work matrix for completing the RSSR analyses needed to advance the preliminary findings identified at the Science Team Meeting.

These began as notes on the RSSR powerpoint slides, but that file is too large to keep sending by email. If you don’t have those slides handy, you can always download them from the KORUS-AQ file sharing page.

The information lists suggested additional work for each of the findings referenced by slide number. This is simply our first suggestion at what needs to be done. We list a lead for each finding, who is typically the person who provided the initial graphics for the slides. We also list other suggested contributors, but you are encouraged to look over the items and see where you might contribute as the list is not intended to be complete.

If anyone listed as a lead is not able to take on this responsibility, please let us know as soon as possible.

We are also asking for your comments. As an example, comments from Rokjin Park have already been included in the spreadsheet.

I think a reasonable goal is to have these items completed by the end of May with updates on progress every two weeks. That will enable the document to be pieced together in June.

We can discuss these things during the webex tomorrow, but I wanted you to have time beforehand to see this list of items.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Dr. James H. Crawford
Senior Scientist for Atmospheric Chemistry
NASA Langley Research Center
Science Directorate
Mail Stop 483
Hampton, VA 23681
(757) 864-7231
James.H.Crawford at nasa.gov

From: Crawford, James H. (LARC-E303)
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 11:21 PM
To: 'korus-aq at espo.nasa.gov' <korus-aq at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: KORUS-AQ Monthly Tag-up, Mon/Tue, 24/25 April, 8p/9a (US/KOR)

After a substantial break, it is time for a much needed webex. The top item will be to discuss additional work needed to advance the preliminary findings from the Science Team meeting into more confident findings that can be included in the RSSR. We have developed some preliminary notes about this, and I plan to circulate a work matrix for your consideration and comments in advance of the webex.

Please plan to participate if at all possible. Slides will be distributed for those who cannot make it.

KORUS-AQ Monthly Tag-up, Mon/Tue, 24/25 April, 8p/9a (US/KOR)

Monday, April 24, 2017

8:00 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr

Meeting number: 993 650 921

Meeting password: K0ru$- at q

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