[Exports_project_office] Fluorometer for MOCNESS

Graff, Jason Robert Jason.Graff at oregonstate.edu
Thu Mar 4 08:50:22 PST 2021

Hi Deb,

We do not have one to loan.  Sorry.  You might want to check with Emmanuel.


Jason Graff
Oregon State University
Assistant Professor - Senior Research

On Mar 4, 2021, at 7:38 AM, Deborah K. Steinberg via Exports_project_office <exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov<mailto:exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>> wrote:

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Dear all,

Thought I’d check with this smaller group before I do a broader search (will check with Jon at NOC too).
The ECO FLRTD Chla fluorometer that URI was planning to send with the MOCNESS is dead. They are not able to offer another as they are either in use, out for cal, or reserved for use during our cruise. The model we want indicates FLuorometer, RealTime data and Deep - rated to ~6000m or perhaps 6800m. The ones which are not deep are usually rated to only 600m.  It needs to connect to the SBE9+. Here is a link to the model:


Dr. Deborah K. Steinberg
CSX Professor of Marine Science
Chair, Department of Biological Sciences
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
+1.804.684.7838 | debbies at vims.edu<mailto:susan at vims.edu> |  http://www.vims.edu<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vims.edu%2F__%3B!!OToaGQ!91LasqxMnSnEjWTykrGEvh7IT3S_UReLbb4n6dZLVXkERoV4n8xg3ey-yB-hUhKz%24&data=02%7C01%7Cdebbies%40vims.edu%7Ce143b44007264099faf408d853395a73%7C8cbcddd9588d4e3b9c1e2367dbdf1740%7C0%7C0%7C637350853099164518&sdata=%2BBwrEDjTD7zgSzVMgksAo%2FO%2F2ksalIuLumz%2BOsokn9k%3D&reserved=0>
PO Box 1346 | 1375 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062 USA

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