[Exports_project_office] [Exports_all] Initial level zero CTD (DY/JC) and bottle files

Norm Nelson normannelson at ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 23 11:39:23 PDT 2021

Thanks Ken & Heidi, 
Are you saying you don’t have the raw data? If you do or can get access to it, I’m perfectly happy to put it into the same pipeline I’m using for the main CTDs. 
Cheers Norm

Norm Nelson
Earth Research Institute
UC Santa Barbara
norm.nelson at ucsb.edu
Mobile: (805) 284-3316

> On Jun 23, 2021, at 11:04 AM, Ken Buesseler <kbuesseler at whoi.edu> wrote:
> Norm
> thanks for the update.
> I kept the entire "exports_all" off this discussion, as I don't think we've talked about how the Sarmiento CTD data will get merged.  Heidi and I have bottle files and other meta files from Sarmiento that we returned with, but no plans (no person) identified to take this further than what we walked off the ship with, which were processed to the point of binned data, etc.
> Anyhow lets keep this 3rd data set in mind so we take advantage of all the data.
> Cheers, Ken
> On 6/23/2021 12:44 PM, Norm Nelson via Exports_all wrote:
>> Hi All, 
>> I did a real quick extract and first-pass through the process and survey rosette CTD data, mostly to set things up for instrument intercomparisons and future quality control efforts. Sasha also asked for exact bottle trip depths to provide to the GSFC HPLC lab, which I imagine everyone will want soon as their return samples are analyzed. 
>> I essentially used the same SeaBird processing pipeline to run through the CTD processing that I used for EXPORTSNP, so file formats are the same. I also did SeaBASS formatting and compiled bottle files in Inia’s format (here attached). New this time, in case it helps, are the same bottle files but with standard deviations for each parameter measured. (…BottleFileSD…). Might be helpful. This time I also have extracted all the analog voltage data at the outset so that should help with the recalibrations we need to do. 
>> At first glance, unfortunately, it looks like we have a lot of work to do on these data. Physical data are very noisy at the surface, even in the binned data, so we will probably have to do some more aggressive filtering. Optical data also don’t really look good, and will need a deep dive, similar to what we did last time, to bring things into line and do some meaningful QC. I would not consider any of the data ready for publication, but we can at least start looking at it more thoroughly. We could probably use a meeting to talk about how we’ll divide up these tasks at some point. 
>> I’m currently uploading the data to the Drive. Access point is here:
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qVnEi885Ret-3VDVSVdK02rNlTap0gGg?usp=sharing
>> This is a directory named CTD under the “North Atlantic 2020 and 2021 Shared Data” folder. There are subdirs for DY and JC and subdirs there for each release of the data (so far just level 0). 
>> The directory tree is similar to what we had for EXPORTSNP. There are useful SeaBird .cnv files in the UnfilteredData, UnbinnedData, Bin1mData subdirectories (etc), and SeaBASS files for binned and unbinned data in the SeaBASS subdirectories. There are .mat compilations of the binned SeaBASS data in the SeaBASS subdir (but the SeaBASS files do not include, the secondary T&S (& O on the JC) sensors, but those data are in the .cnv files and in the attached bottle files. 
>> Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there are any other things I can provide at this point. 
>> (i’ll be in the eddy tracking retrospective and tomorrow’s all hands meeting as well)
>> Cheers, Norm
>> Norm Nelson
>> Earth Research Institute
>> UC Santa Barbara
>> norm.nelson at ucsb.edu
>> Mobile: (805) 284-3316
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> -- 
> Ken Buesseler
> Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
> http://cafethorium.whoi.edu
>      @Cafe_Thorium
> Director, Center for Marine and Environmental Radioactivity
> http://www.whoi.edu/CMER
>         @whoi_cmer
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