[Exports_project_office] welcome back

Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION] ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov
Mon Jun 7 05:20:59 PDT 2021

Hello to all,
While I know you probably don't want to hear from me or eachother for some more time, we should try to catch up next week. Dave and Ken has the NAS thingy this week, but it would be great if we (at least some of you) can meet up on 17th on our normal time.
Topics -
what just happened :)
path forward

Thank you so much

Ivona & Dave

Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D. (she/her)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Code 616
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Phone: +1-301-286-1514

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