[Exports_project_office] away

Craig M. Lee craiglee at uw.edu
Thu Aug 29 10:47:56 PDT 2019

Hi All,

As we’ve discussed, I’ll be at sea on Healy from 5 Sep - 18 Oct. I leave Seattle for Dutch Harbor on 1 Sep. We’ll be working in the central Beaufort, far enough north that we will be out of footprint for most satellite comms. I thus don’t expect to have any internet access for the middle 3-4 weeks of the cruise, and even when we do have access, Healy’s civilian network is slow and cumbersome, so it can be difficult to communicate.

I’d like Mary Jane to serve as my proxy for discussions and decision making while I’m away. Please defer to her in these discussions.

Looking forward to beginning discussions with Discovery when I return.

Please keep me in the email loop - I will read and reach out as I have access, but it is likely to be sporadic, with long periods of silence… Thanks,


Craig M. Lee
University of Washington
Applied Physics Laboratory
1013 NE 40th St.
Seattle, WA 98105-6698
craiglee at uw.edu
(206) 685-7656
(206) 543-6785 (fax)

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