[Exports_project_office] demob list of non sailing personnel helping on ship

ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov
Wed Aug 29 17:32:45 PDT 2018

HA HA HA – demob gear and wife 😊


Yes, I have a running list from last time I will add Ben & Pete, and see how to organize things among the ships to get more people on the list. 


TY for the reminder.




Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Code 616
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Phone: +1-301-286-1514

"You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra


From: Exports_project_office <exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov> On Behalf Of Mary Jane Perry
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 7:47 PM
To: Exports_project_office <exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: [Exports_project_office] demob list of non sailing personnel helping on ship


Ivona, Can you get a list of who is going to demob.  Same deal as before.  If they want access to ship, they have to be on the list.  Name, affiliation, phone number (?).  Chief Scis don't want their email quota used up with that traffic, so if you could send that request to all EXPORTS, collate it, and get it to us by the 10th, that would be awesome.  Thanks. Mary Jane


For me, can you add:

Ben Jokinen, Univ. Washington, 206-685-2800, demob gear

Pete Jumars, UMaine, 509-449-6479, demob gear and wife (I'll put him to work)



Mary Jane Perry                                                         

Emerita Professor, School of Marine Sciences

University of Maine, Orono ME 
Mailing address: 502 Twisp-Carlton Road, Twisp WA 98856

new cell phone:   509-449-8922

 <mailto:perrymj at maine.edu> perrymj at maine.edu



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