[Exports_project_office] EXPORTS update: lost aerosol equipment

Deborah K. Steinberg debbies at vims.edu
Fri Aug 3 03:46:12 PDT 2018

Hi Pete,
Thanks for update; keeping my fingers crossed…

From: David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
Date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 11:32 AM
To: Peter Morton <pmorton at fsu.edu>
Cc: Deb Steinberg <debbies at vims.edu>, Kristen Buck <kristenbuck at usf.edu>, William Landing <wlanding at fsu.edu>, "exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov" <exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: EXPORTS update: lost aerosol equipment

Hi Pete, Sorry to hear about the shipping issue with your aerosol samplers but glad you are scrambling forward on a backup plan. Let us know what we can do to help you be successful.  Last thing I want now is a damn volcano to go off and not be ready.  Dave

On Aug 2, 2018, at 4:41 AM, Peter Morton <pmorton at fsu.edu<mailto:pmorton at fsu.edu>> wrote:

Hello Dave and Debbie,

The FSU shipment containing the aerosols sampling equipment has been lost by the shipping company (Yellow Freight). The two pallet boxes were picked up from FSU on 19 July, to be delivered to NASA Goddard. Bill Landing received word from Yellow on Friday (28 July) that the pallet boxes were not delivered to Goddard, and Yellow Freight doesn’t know where the boxes are now. Much of this equipment is homemade or modified, or requires weeks of cleaning to prepare for contamination-free sampling and analyses, so we will not be able to complete our original science plan without our original shipment.

Fortunately, this doesn’t affect the TM-water column sampling work on the EXPORTS cruise. Everything required for the UH TMC rosette and van set-up are arriving on the Kilo Moana in Seattle later this week, and I’m bringing the few additional spare pieces with me.

We’re not confident the aerosol shipment will be found in time for the EXPORTS cruise, so we’re making some alternative plans as quickly as possible. I’ve got enough supplies for collecting particulate samples (coordinating with Adrian Marchetti and Kristen Buck), and I’m bringing two new shipboard TM analytical systems (for dissolved iron and zinc). These 11th hour plans will not affect existing schedules and lab layouts, or conflict with any of the other funded science plans at all. I’ll coordinate with the EXPORTS coordinators ASAP to update the one-page science plans and analytes in the database.

Wish I had better news, and I will update you ASAP if we hear that the aerosol equipment will be delivered in time.


Peter L. Morton, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Research Faculty
Florida State University/National High Magnetic Field Lab
1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32310
(850) 644-4331
pmorton at fsu.edu<mailto:pmorton at fsu.edu>

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