[Exports_project_office] Fwd: Visitors to Revelle

David Siegel david.siegel at ucsb.edu
Wed Aug 1 12:37:26 PDT 2018

FYI - update access to ships during MOB.  Dave

Also, I’m planning on a PO telecom tomorrow.  Talk with you all then. 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Matthew Durham <mjdurham at ucsd.edu>
> Subject: Re: Visitors to Revelle
> Date: August 1, 2018 at 12:34:42 PM PDT
> To: Jason Graff <jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu>
> Cc: Matthew Hirsch <mdhirsch at ucsd.edu>, Brendon Mendenhall <bmendenh at ucsd.edu>, Deborah K Steinberg <debbies at vims.edu>, Norm Nelson <norm at eri.ucsb.edu>, Mary Jane Perry <perrymj at maine.edu>, "R/V Roger Revelle, Master" <master at rv-revelle.ucsd.edu>, Master SALLY RIDE <master at rv-sallyride.ucsd.edu>, Chief Mate Revelle <chiefmate at rv-revelle.ucsd.edu>, Eric Buck <ebuck at ucsd.edu>, "Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-6160)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]" <ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov>, Dave Siegel <davey at icess.ucsb.edu>
> Hi Jason et al,
> A bit of an update on the visitors.  With the unsecured dock facility, the ship’s are concerned with maintaining safety and security on board the ships with so many people planning to be onsite during the mobilization.  The SIO Vessels maintain a Vessel Security Plan that outlines specific restrictions for Visitors on the ships.  I just recently checked the list that you guys have been updating, and that will be very helpful, but there is going to be a very distinct separation between Guests/Visitors coming on board for tours and just check things out, and the folks coming to actively assist with the mobilization.  The Guests/Visitors will be issued YELLOW badges when accessing either one of the ships and will need to be escorted by a member of the sailing science party at all times while on the vessel.  The number of Guests/Visitors will be limited to 12 on board each ship at any given time (once the 12 guest badges are issued, additional guests will have to wait until the first 12 are done).  The media event on the 9th will be an exception to this.  
> Also, an amendment to my earlier email with regards to when these visits should occur; according the ship’s security plan, visiting hours are only from 0800-1700, and with the number of people that we are going to have working on board during this port call, the ships would like to hold to those visiting hours as much as possible for the tours.  I still suggest waiting for the end of the day to avoid too much impact on operations, maybe 1500-1700 would be the best time to get these done.  There is some flexibility with the hours, but we really do need to maintain control of who is on board the ship and adhering to our Vessel Security Plan is the best way to do this.
> The folks on the access list who will be assisting with the mobilization will be issued GREEN badges, will not require escorts and will have the same access to the vessel as the sailing science party (they can come and go as they please 24/7, but will have to check in at the gang way when coming and going).  I noticed that there are a few “Guest Visitors” mixed in with the regular access list (It looks like at least a few of these are on both lists), it will be very important that we keep those lists separate so the crew at the gangway can easily distinguish what list each individual is on.  We really appreciate your diligence in adhering to this plan as it will help out greatly as we work to get your cruise preparations completed.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns on this update.
> Matt
>  \
>   \ \          Matt Durham 
>    \ \         Supervisor, Research Technician Group
>   \ \/         Shipboard Technical Support
>    \/\         Scripps Institution of Oceanography
>       \        297 Rosecrans St, Bldg 2, Room 1
>        \       San Diego, CA  92106
>         \      Voice Direct: 858-534-7639    Group: 858-534-1632
>          \     eMail To: mjdurham at ucsd.edu <mailto:mjdurham at ucsd.edu>
> 		         restech at ucsd.edu <mailto:restech at ucsd.edu>  (Group eMail)
>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 10:51 PM, Jason Graff <jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu <mailto:jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu>> wrote:
>> Matt,
>> This all sounds great.  I'll sort out the list of folks who hope to visit and provide that separately.  We will make sure to let everyone know that visits would be best to have happen on the 8th and after working hours.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> Jason Graff
>> Assistant Professor - Senior Research
>> Oregon State University
>> Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
>> jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu <mailto:jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu>
>> 541-737-4090
>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 4:17 PM, Matthew Durham <mjdurham at ucsd.edu <mailto:mjdurham at ucsd.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> This should be ok, but it would probably be best if we could have a list for Friends and Family just coming for a visit (with the date of the planned visit) separate from the list of people coming to assist with the mobilization who will be coming and going throughout the port call.  I think your plan to come by on the 8th is good, but would suggest that these visits happen later in the day, potentially after main working hours (standard in port working hours are 8-1630).  This will help to avoid having issues with crane operations or other work being impeded by tours (especially with minors coming aboard).
>>> Best,
>>> Matt
>>>  \
>>>   \ \          Matt Durham 
>>>    \ \         Supervisor, Research Technician Group
>>>   \ \/         Shipboard Technical Support
>>>    \/\         Scripps Institution of Oceanography
>>>       \        297 Rosecrans St, Bldg 2, Room 1
>>>        \       San Diego, CA  92106
>>>         \      Voice Direct: 858-534-7639    Group: 858-534-1632
>>>          \     eMail To: mjdurham at ucsd.edu <mailto:mjdurham at ucsd.edu>
>>> 		         restech at ucsd.edu <mailto:restech at ucsd.edu>  (Group eMail)
>>>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 1:46 PM, Jason Graff <jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu <mailto:jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> A few of us working on the Revelle will have family or friends in Seattle who would like to visit the ship.  For example, my wife and kids will be in Seattle while we MOB.  Would this be possible on the 8th (hopefully the chaos will have subdued and the media day would be the following day)?  
>>>> If this is possible, should we include these names on the list of people we have already aggregated who will be helping set up or should we create a separate list?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jason
>>>> Jason Graff
>>>> Assistant Professor - Senior Research
>>>> Oregon State University
>>>> Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
>>>> jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu <mailto:jrgraff at science.oregonstate.edu>
>>>> 541-737-4090

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