[Exports_project_office] ANY COMMENTS??? Agenda for the tuesday EXPORTS PI telecom

Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION] ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov
Mon Jul 24 09:58:00 PDT 2017

You can go ahead and send it to the PI list  - it is as complete as it can be. And who ever gets added on it, they can use classical approach to add it to their calendar. 
Thank you Vidal... 


Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Code 616
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Phone: +1-301-286-1514

"You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra

From: Exports_project_office [exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov] on behalf of Salazar, Vidal (ARC-SGG) [vidal.salazar at nasa.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 12:45 PM
To: exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov
Subject: Re: [Exports_project_office] ANY COMMENTS??? Agenda for the tuesday EXPORTS PI telecom

It was sent only to the project office, but I can easily include the rest of the PI team. Should I go ahead and do it now that the PI email list is complete?


> On Jul 24, 2017, at 10:43 AM, Lorenzoni, Laura (HQ-DK000)[NASA IPA] <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov> wrote:
> Thanks for doing this Ivona! I have a standing calendar invite for Tuesdays 12-1 that I believe Vidal or Quincy set up – was this sent to all or just for us the project office?
> Thanks again,
> Laura
> On 7/24/17, 12:14 PM, "Exports_project_office on behalf of Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]" <exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov on behalf of ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov> wrote:
>    Looks ok, thank you Dave.
>    Note - I will send out an email now, asking everyone to block that tuesday slot for the weekly exports call. Also - I added Antonio from the field support group to the list, and he will be on the phone call as well.
>    Ivona
>    Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
>    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
>    Ocean Ecology Laboratory
>    Code 616
>    Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
>    http://ivona-cetinic.flavors.me
>    Phone: +1-301-286-1514
>    "You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra
>    ________________________________________
>    From: Exports_project_office [exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov] on behalf of David Siegel [david.siegel at ucsb.edu]
>    Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 10:58 AM
>    To: exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov
>    Subject: [Exports_project_office] ANY COMMENTS??? Agenda for the tuesday        EXPORTS PI telecom
>    Any response to this in light of the documents Laura sent out this weekend?  I’ve added some detail about dealing with budget realities. I want to get the reminder email with the telecom agenda out this morning.  D
>    **************************
>    Hi All,
>    Agenda for the PI telecom.  We are planning for a 90 minute telecom.  All participants will have spreadsheet with project info and the measurement table by Monday…
>    Dave
>    *******************
>    Dave Siegel - Welcome / role call
>    EXPORTS Project Office Introduction (each a minute or so…)
>            Dave Siegel - Science Lead
>            Paula Bontempi & Laura Lorenzoni - NASA OBB program officers
>            Ivona Cetinic - NASA Project Scientist
>            Quincy Allison / Vidal Salazar - NASA ESPO - logistics coordinators
>            Chris Proctor - NASA GSFC - Data management office
>    Budgetary Realities - Paula / Laura / Dave
>            We have NOWHERE near enough $’s to do what is proposed (cf., take your budget reduction requests seriously)
>            As we go thru things, think about what you and another PI can do together that would save costs / berths
>            NSF’s potential role in our budgeting - Bio of the Bio Pump DCL - upcoming Aug deadline
>            Last if there are FY18 budget issues, there may not be a 2020 cruise
>    PI presentations (~ 5 minutes each)
>            Talk briefly about science, measurements, equipment brought post-debriefs/rescopes/decopes conversations
>            Answer questions as they arise
>    Tentative Northeast Pacific cruise information
>            Ships - Revelle / Ride
>            27 science days on site - 35 days total (depending on science / demob sites)
>            Notionally Station P is the sampling site
>            Depart Aug 1, 2018
>            Mob - Seattle
>            Demob - Seattle **or** Seattle (Ride) /  Seward (Revelle)
>    Sept Science Team
>            Sept 19-22 at the USRA facility in Columbia, MD (north of DC)
>            All PIs and Co-PIs are invited
>            Goal is to create the coordinated field campaign, individual ship **and** AUV cruise plans
>            Each Phase 1 project needs to have representation for all aspects their projects
>            Room block will be set up shortly
>    _______________________________________________
>    Exports_project_office mailing list
>    Exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov
>    https://espo.nasa.gov/lists/listinfo/exports_project_office
>    _______________________________________________
>    Exports_project_office mailing list
>    Exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov
>    https://espo.nasa.gov/lists/listinfo/exports_project_office
> _______________________________________________
> Exports_project_office mailing list
> Exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov
> https://espo.nasa.gov/lists/listinfo/exports_project_office

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