[Exports_project_office] EPO telecom in less than an hour

David Siegel david.siegel at ucsb.edu
Thu Jul 20 08:15:04 PDT 2017

Hi All,

We have a telecom at 9am PT / 12 noon ET.  Goals are talk thru next week’s telecom (see Paula’s note below), announcement of NASA team with measurement lists to help NSF proposers, ships/ship equip, etc. etc.  


We’ll be using the AMES line for EXPORTS.

	For Voice
	USA Toll Free # 1 844 467 4685
	USA Local/Toll # + 720 259 7012
	Participant Passcode:  804464

> On Jul 19, 2017, at 9:08 AM, Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000) <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov> wrote:
> Project Office Staff:
> Good morning.  Just some comments about what I was thinking for next week’s call, really what is on my mind.  As much as I would love to talk about everyone’s science in detail, we won’t have the time and we have some pressing issues.
> What if:
> We asked the PI’s to submit a short project description by Friday or Monday COB to be posted on the draft EXPORTS web page, similar to what ABoVE did (click on the links https://above.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/pi_list.pl?subset=1 <https://above.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/pi_list.pl?subset=1> under each PI to see).  We could matrix projects to the Science Questions and the PIs could look at this information ahead of the telecom to save some time.  Shouldn’t take them long to pull together.  Would also help the NSF PIs.
> Let’s introduce the Project Office Staff (Siegel, Lorenzoni, Cetinic, Allison/Salazar, Proctor) so everyone can discuss roles and responsibilities
> PIs should be prepared to talk about the science they plan to address, the measurements they will make and using what equipment or approaches based on the debriefs/rescopes/decopes conversations that Laura and I have had with each team this week.  Laura and I agree after our last call Friday we will circulate the updated measurement table and ask each team to crosscheck and update it if needed and Laura will keep the Master.  We will also post the living version 0 on the CC&E web page for EXPORTS.
> ESPO needs airtime to talk about logistics/shipping, perhaps circulating the spreadsheet Quincy and Vidal put together for the project to make sure we have captured requirements.  UNOLS is leaning on us for information on vans, winches, MOCNESSES, other equipment, etc.
> We need to inform the team of the cruise plans for 2018
> We need to talk about what happens if there is a big budget change in FY18 (possible impacts to the two cruises)
> We need to talk about the ST meeting details.
> Sorry for the brain dump.  Comments welcome.
>       Paula
> From: "Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]" <ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov <mailto:ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov>>
> Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:34 AM
> To: "Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)" <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov <mailto:paula.bontempi at nasa.gov>>, David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>>
> Cc: Laura Lorenzoni <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov <mailto:laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>>, "Allison, Quincy D. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]" <quincy.allison at nasa.gov <mailto:quincy.allison at nasa.gov>>
> Subject: RE: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
> I am not sure if we have anybody who is observing the holiday.. 
> I
> Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
> Ocean Ecology Laboratory
> Code 616
> Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
> http://ivona-cetinic.flavors.me <http://ivona-cetinic.flavors.me/>
> Phone: +1-301-286-1514
> "You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra
> From: Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 11:29 AM
> Cc: Lorenzoni, Laura (HQ-DK000)[NASA IPA]; Allison, Quincy D. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]
> Subject: Re: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
> Thanks!  And that is over Rosh Hashanah, I just checked.  Is that okay?
> Paula
> From: "Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]" <ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov>
> Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:20 AM
> To: "Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)" <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov>, David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
> Cc: Laura Lorenzoni <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>
> Subject: RE: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
> Hello,
> to confirm - dates booked at USRA are Spe 19th-Sep 22nd. 
> Ivona
> Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
> Ocean Ecology Laboratory
> Code 616
> Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
> http://ivona-cetinic.flavors.me <http://ivona-cetinic.flavors.me/>
> Phone: +1-301-286-1514
> "You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra
> From: Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 10:56 AM
> To: David Siegel
> Cc: Lorenzoni, Laura (HQ-DK000)[NASA IPA]; Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]
> Subject: Re: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
> Dave,
>             Thanks for this.  Couple of things:
> Can use my dial in, last I checked it is permitted 50 lines:
> Dial in:  1.844.467.4685
> Passcode:  251901
> PI’s and substituting Co-I’s should be prepared to represent their team’s requirements.
> I would reiterate the dates of the ST meeting in September (18-20? Or whatever we decided).  We will discuss.
> I would gently remind folks that potential partners are preparing NSF proposals and these folks may be asking for letters of collaboration.  We need to discuss this.
> Open to discussion.  Otherwise looks good.
>       Paula
> From: David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
> Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 10:26 AM
> To: "Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)" <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov>
> Cc: Laura Lorenzoni <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>, "Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION]" <ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov>
> Subject: Re: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
> OK.  How about the following? I get 3 yes’s and I’ll send it out.  Dave
> ***************
> Hi All,
> I know you all are working thru your proposal budget debriefs and project descoping with Paula and Laura. They have the hard job of creating a coordinated field program from 11 well reviewed, self contained science proposals. Thanx for your understanding, sacrifices and willingness to work together so together we can complete the community’s vision for EXPORTS.  
> I’m sure have 1e6 questions (maybe 1e9?). To start the process of our working together, we would like to hold an initial EXPORTS Science Team telecom next Tuesday (July 25 - 1:00-2:30 ET / 10:00 to 11:30 am PT). Co-PIs are welcome to join the conversation too. If a project PI cannot make the telecom time slot, please ask one of your Co-PIs to cover for you. This is important.  
> The goals of the telecom are to 1) introduce your rescoped project to the Team, 2) present what your group plans to measure, how, and from which ship, 3) address what measurements you are expecting from other groups, 4) assess ship/UNOLS equipment needs (including berthing guesstimates) and 5) describe how your project contributes to EXPORTS and what science are you most excited about.  
> Plan to speak for about your rescoped project for ~5 minutes and answer questions as they arise.  To prepare for the telecom, I will collect and collate relevant project information (see below).  Please email me the following information in list form by the next Monday (Mon July 24). This can and should be kept short.  I will distribute the collated information to all by Monday afternoon.  
>    Lead PI / institutions:
>    Project Title:
>    CoPIs / institutions:
>    Measurements to be made & from which ship:
>    Equipment to be brought to sea:
>    Known field requirements (vans, ship equipment, lab bench space, hoods, over the side time, sampling equipment, etc.):
>    Berthing guesstimate:
>    Needed measurements from other groups: 
>    Which EXPORTS Science Questions does your project respond to best: 
>    What aspects of your inclusion on the EXPORTS Science team are you most excited about:
> Hope this all makes sense and looking forward to your responses by Monday. 
> Best, Dave 
> ************************
> David A. Siegel
> Science Lead, NASA EXPORTS Field Campaign, 
> Chair, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science, and
> Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Research Institute
> UC Santa Barbara
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060, USA
> Ph: 01-805-893-4547
> Em: david.siegel at ucsb.edu <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
> URL: people.eri.ucsb.edu/~davey
>> On Jul 19, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000) <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov <mailto:paula.bontempi at nasa.gov>> wrote:
>> Dave,
>>             Good morning.  I agree with Laura, let’s add a comment that points to the PI’s focusing on the rescoped statements of work that were discussed during the PI debriefs this week.  Let’s get this out today if we can.
>>             Best wishes,
>>             Paula
>> From: Laura Lorenzoni <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov <mailto:laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>>
>> Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 12:37 PM
>> To: David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>>, "Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000)" <paula.bontempi at nasa.gov <mailto:paula.bontempi at nasa.gov>>
>> Subject: Re: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
>> Hi Dave – thanks for this. Don’t know if a clarification should be made regarding the descopes we’re working with them? What I mean is that Paula and I are asking them to cut some things and reduce budgets, which may impact their proposed (original) measurements. Not sure we’ll have this totally nailed down by the end of this week, so maybe something in the msg that states that we know they are working with descopes to meet the budget and to include what they have as of now? We’ve told several people to talk with other funded members to get a better grasp of where the overlap is and coordinate reductions/synchronizations. Paula, what do you think?
>> From: Exports_project_office <exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov <mailto:exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov>> on behalf of David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>>
>> Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 12:28 PM
>> To: "exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov <mailto:exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>" <exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov <mailto:exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>>
>> Subject: [Exports_project_office] ST telecom announcement
>> Hi All, 
>> Paula and I would like to have a science team telecom next week Tuesday 1-230 ET / 10-1130 PT as Paula and Laura should be done with the budget debriefs by then.  My message to the team PIs follows.  Like to get this out by COB today.  
>> Dave
>> PS - Quincy/Vidal, we are going to need some more email lists - Science Team (lead PIs plus the Project Office) and one for all project personnel (which includes lead PIs, all coPIs and senior project personnel the have identified). No hurry on this - by next month.  
>> ***************
>> Hi All,
>> I know you all are working thru your proposal budget debriefs with Paula and Laura and I’m sure have 1e6 questions (maybe 1e9?). To start the process of our working together, we would like to hold an initial EXPORTS Science Team telecom next Tuesday (July 25 - 1:00-2:30 ET / 10:00 to 11:30 am PT). Co-PIs are welcome to join the conversation. If a project PI cannot make the telecom time slot, please ask one of your Co-PIs to cover for you. This is important.  
>> The goals of the telecom are to 1) introduce your project to the Team, 2) present what your group plans to measure, how, and from which ship, 3) address what measurements you are expecting from other groups, 4) assess ship/UNOLS equipment needs and last 5) describe how your project contributes to EXPORTS and what science are you most excited about.  
>> Plan to speak for about your project for ~5 minutes and answer questions as they arise.  To prepare for the telecom, I will collect and collate relevant project information (see below).  Please email me the following information in list form by the end of this week (COB Friday July 21).  This can and should be kept short.  I will distribute the collated information to all by Monday afternoon.  
>>    Lead PI / institutions:
>>    Project Title:
>>    CoPIs / institutions:
>>    Measurements to be made & from which ship:
>>    Equipment to be brought to sea:
>>    Known field requirements (vans, ship equipment, lab bench space, hoods, over the side time, sampling equipment, etc.)
>>    Needed measurements from other groups: 
>>    Which EXPORTS Science Questions does your project respond to best: 
>>    What aspects of your inclusion on the EXPORTS Science team are you most excited about:
>> Hope this all makes sense and looking forward to your responses by the end of the week. 
>> Best, Dave 
>> ************************
>> David A. Siegel
>> Science Lead, NASA EXPORTS Field Campaign, 
>> Chair, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science, and
>> Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Research Institute
>> UC Santa Barbara
>> Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060, USA
>> Ph: 01-805-893-4547
>> Em: david.siegel at ucsb.edu <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
>> URL: people.eri.ucsb.edu/~davey <http://people.eri.ucsb.edu/~davey>

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