[Exports_project_office] Fwd: EXPORTS Science Team initial telecom - PLEASE READ & RESPOND!!!

Bontempi, Paula (HQ-DK000) paula.bontempi at nasa.gov
Wed Jul 19 11:26:10 PDT 2017

Yes, many have used it from abroad, the SDT and ST for EXPORTS, for example.  However, I have no idea if it is toll free from there, no one has ever told me who used it.


From: Exports_project_office <exports_project_office-bounces at espo.nasa.gov> on behalf of David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 2:13 PM
To: "exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov" <exports_project_office at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: [Exports_project_office] Fwd: EXPORTS Science Team initial telecom - PLEASE READ & RESPOND!!!

Can someone answer SMD?  I do not know the answer.  D

Begin forwarded message:

From: Susanne Menden-Deuer <smenden at uri.edu<mailto:smenden at uri.edu>>
Subject: Re: EXPORTS Science Team initial telecom - PLEASE READ & RESPOND!!!
Date: July 19, 2017 at 11:08:00 AM PDT
To: David Siegel <david.siegel at ucsb.edu<mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>>


will this call in number work from overseas? I will be traveling in Europe, leaving today until August 5


On 7/19/17 12:47 PM, David Siegel wrote:

Hi All,

I know you all are working thru your project descopes with Paula and Laura now. They have the hard job of creating a coordinated field program from 11 well reviewed, self contained science proposals. Thanx for your understanding, sacrifice and willingness to work together so together we can complete the community’s vision for EXPORTS.

I’m sure you all have 1e6 questions (maybe 1e9?). To start the process of our working together, we would like to hold an* EXPORTS Science Team telecom next Tuesday (July 25 - 1:00-2:30 ET / 10:00 to 11:30 am PT)*. Co-PIs are welcome to join the conversation too (and feel free to forward this message to them). If a project PI cannot make the telecom time slot, please ask one of your Co-PIs to cover for you. It is important that representatives from all projects are present. *Dial in: 1.844.467.4685  Passcode: 251901*

The goals of the telecom are to 1) introduce your rescoped project to the Team, 2) present what your group plans to measure, how, and from which ship, 3) address measurement and collaboration expectations among other groups, and 4) assess ship/UNOLS equipment needs (including berthing guesstimates).

Please be prepared to speak for about your rescoped project for ~5 minutes and answer questions as they arise.  To help prepare for the telecom, we will collect and collate relevant project information (see below). *Please email the following information to Laura Lorenzoni <laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov<mailto:laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov> <mailto:laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>> by the end of the day this Friday *(July 21). This can and should be kept short. we will distribute the collated information to all on Monday morning and will post the information on the NASA CCE webpage for EXPORTS.

 Lead PI / Institution:
 Project Title:
 CoPIs / institutions:
 Measurements to be made & from which ship:
 Equipment to be brought to sea:
 Known field requirements (vans, ship equipment, lab bench space, hoods, over the side time, sampling equipment, etc.):
 Berthing guesstimate:
 Needed measurements from other groups:
 Which EXPORTS Science Questions does your project respond to best:
 What aspects of your inclusion on the EXPORTS Science team are you most excited about:

Hope this all makes sense and looking forward to your responses by Friday COB.

Best, Dave

PS - The *first EXPORTS Science Team meeting will be Sept 19-22 *at the USRA facility just north of DC.  Please mark this on your calendars. We will want to talk goals and objectives for this meeting on Tues.

PPS - As you all know, colleagues will be writing proposals to NSF this August that leverage the NASA investment in EXPORTS. We will need to discuss how we handle this Tuesday too.

David A. Siegel
Science Lead, NASA EXPORTS Field Campaign,
Chair, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science, and
Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography and Earth Research Institute
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060, USA
Ph: 01-805-893-4547
Em: david.siegel at ucsb.edu<mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu> <mailto:david.siegel at ucsb.edu>
URL: people.eri.ucsb.edu/~davey<http://people.eri.ucsb.edu/~davey>

Susanne Menden-Deuer, Ph.D.
Professor of Oceanography

University of Rhode Island
Graduate School of Oceanography
Bay Campus
Office: 230 Coastal Institute
Narragansett, RI  02882, USA

skype: mendens

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