[Exports_pi] Tuesday telecom survey

Cetinic, Ivona (GSFC-616.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION] ivona.cetinic at nasa.gov
Fri Sep 22 09:12:30 PDT 2017

Hello to all

some people, during out meeting, have suggested changing the timing of our Tuesday PI Exports telecom. Currently our telecom is at 12 EST/9 am PST.

Please use this link
to define your availability and preference for telecom timing.

Please answer before Sep 27th 2018.

Thank you


Ivona Cetinic, Ph.D.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Code 616
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Phone: +1-301-286-1514

"You can observe a lot just by watchin'." Yogi Berra
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