[Epic_2019] EPIC COVID response from the different groups

Salazar, Vidal (ARC-SGG) vidal.salazar at nasa.gov
Fri Oct 2 08:53:46 PDT 2020

Dear EPIC Community,

I hope this email finds you well! It’s been a strange year all around, and I know we all are dealing with the issues that COVID is presenting in our projects and daily life. I recognize that one of the reasons we formed the EPIC community is to help each other and to pass ideas and experiences managing field campaigns around the world.

So, what a better topic for an EPIC annual meeting than “How are you handling the COVID situation?” Are you developing safety plans for your upcoming campaigns? Did you have to cancel or postpone field deployments? What other situations have arisen in your work life due to the impacts of Covid-19?

I am hoping to hold a teleconference where we can exchange what we are doing to navigate these strange times.

Please let me know your availability in the doodle poll below. Based on the number of responses, we will create an agenda and give each participant time to present their ideas.  Currently the plan is for a meeting of no more than two hours, but depending on your responses, this can be adjusted.

We are open to ideas too, please let us know what you think.


I look forward to hearing from all of you!
Best regards and stay safe!

Vidal Salazar
Cell: 650 499-6405
Office: 650 604-5313
Vidal.Salazar at nasa.gov<mailto:Vidal.Salazar at nasa.gov>

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