[Cpex-cv-science] [EXTERNAL] Re: Update on Science Prep -- RF12 -- 20220927

Zawislak, Jonathan A jaz100 at earth.miami.edu
Mon Sep 26 07:50:08 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

After talking some more amongst the team this afternoon, weighing AEW9 that we flew today against opportunities to fly Wednesday and Thursday, we have decided to NOT fly tomorrow morning (Tuesday) and instead focus on Wednesday AM as the next flight. The science targets on Wednesday will be offshore flow with potential of convection, as well as the ITCZ/monsoon region (yes, in Robert’s FIR, but we’re willing to give it a shot). AEW9 and it’s convection tomorrow does not have great prospects based on what appears to be significant dry air intrusion and shear.

We’ll proceed with our normal planning meeting at 6am tomorrow morning to plan Wednesday for a 4am takeoff.

Look out for an updated POD from ESPO.


Jonathan Zawislak, PhD
Associate Scientist, UM/CIMAS, NOAA/AOML/HRD
4301 Rickenbacker Cswy
Miami, FL 33149
305-361-4403<tel:305-361-4403> (Office)
302-383-9927<tel:302-383-9927> (Cell)
From: Zawislak, Jonathan A <jaz100 at earth.miami.edu>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2022 8:50 AM
To: Jonathan Zawislak <cpex-cv-science at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: Update on Science Prep -- RF12 -- 20220927

Good morning team,

We are looking towards our potential 12th science flight for CPEX-CV tomorrow (27 September), which would target the same AEW9 that we extensively sampled today south-southeast of Cabo Verde. That said, there is also a lot of interest in heading down to the ITCZ/monsoon region offshore Western Africa on Wednesday morning, which could also target offshore propagating convection. We would like to keep tomorrow’s flight on the books as an option, but assess the go/no go for that against the potential of a Wednesday flight instead. We will also be assessing this afternoon as AEW9 evolves. Here’s the crewing for this potential flight...

Mission Science crew onboard: JZ (lead), John, Margaret
Mission Science crew on the ground: Quinton, Alexis, Aaron, Ed Z
Lead Forecaster: Tatiana
Dropsonde Processors: Tatiana

The crew above should meet in the hotel conference room at Midnight CVT (tonight! — so try to get your rest this afternoon and evening) to decide on a go/no go and finalize our plan if a go by 0100 CVT, for a no-earlier-than takeoff of 0500 CVT.

In parallel, mission scientists (not supporting this flight) and scheduled forecasters will convene at the FBO for the normal scheduled daily weather brief and planning at 0600 CVT. If tomorrow’s flight is deemed “no go”, then we’ll all come in for that normal briefing time to plan for Wednesday’s flight.

Please see tomorrow’s POD for the shuttle schedules and air crew briefing time — as always, be ready and flexible if anything changes tomorrow morning.

For the fliers, remember to wear closed-toed shoes and long pants, and a jacket/sweater is recommended as it gets cold on the airplane.  Remember to bring your passports.

Everyone enjoy your afternoon and evening,
Jon and Ed N

Jonathan Zawislak, PhD
Associate Scientist, UM/CIMAS, NOAA/AOML/HRD
4301 Rickenbacker Cswy
Miami, FL 33149
305-361-4403<tel:305-361-4403> (Office) — on telework, so use cell
302-383-9927<tel:302-383-9927> (Cell)

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