[Cpex-cv-science] [EXTERNAL] Updating the CPEX-CV Mission Scorecard -- **PI Actions Required**

Zawislak, Jonathan A jaz100 at earth.miami.edu
Tue Aug 16 13:43:44 PDT 2022

Hi again team,

I’m sharing here the Mission Scorecard that Naoko and Angela have done excellent work on. We’re now looking for your last feedback on the Scorecard content before the program begins. 

What this is:

To review, the Mission Scorecard will allow us to track science accomplishments as we fly each mission. We have a sort of 2-D matrix for the convective objectives by establishing a Scorecard for each pairing of an environment (AEW, ITCZ, SAL, and Offshore) with a level of convective organization ("Isolated Congestus", "Scattered Convection" with a chance of upscale growth, and "Mature MCS"). You'll note those paired “Scores" by the boxes in the matrix that contain information such as, “Preferred Time of Day”, “Number of Cases”, “Attempted Flights”, “Notes”, and colored boxes for “Frequency” and the level of completion (changes color based on “Not Complete” [red], “Partially Complete" [yellow], and “Complete" [green]). As we fly missions, we’ll add notes from the flights under “Attempted Flights” and “Notes” and update the traffic light of completion. 

Below the convective matrix is a Scorecard for “Dust” and “Satellite Validation and Underpasses” — these will outline measurement requirements for various targets associated with those, with similar information from above.

Your Actions:

Angela and Naoko have added questions to the Scorecard for specific PIs, so please respond to those. Otherwise, please make additional comments, suggestions, and revisions that will reflect your needs in the Scorecard, if they’re not otherwise accounted for. This includes within the Scorecard Matrix (first tab), as well as the Terminology (second tab), and Common Flight Patterns (third tab). Make sure your own teams’ requirements is reflected in the Mission Scorecard.


Please finalize your input by the end of next week (Aug. 26).

How we're sharing this:

I will share the Google Sheet version called “CPEX-CV_Mission_Scorecard” to the same list as the science plan we were collaborating on earlier in the year — if you previously gave me a Gmail address, different from your usual email, then it will go to that one. You should see a separate email indicating the share, which will allow you access.

If you do not get a separate email with the document share after this email, it can be accessed via this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FmZ9W4z8bo2KqImxSGYAjGDd_em_oBQJ3RRpwrKDBNE/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FmZ9W4z8bo2KqImxSGYAjGDd_em_oBQJ3RRpwrKDBNE/edit?usp=sharing>
I will need to grant you access, which I’ll do as soon as I get the request.

I am also attaching an Excel version of the Mission Scorecard to this email for viewing. Please try and make comments on the shared file above instead, but you are welcome to send comments via email, as well. Please be specific in this case, so we know where and what you’re referencing on the Scorecard.

Thanks for your hard work! Almost there...

Jonathan Zawislak, PhD
Associate Scientist, UM/CIMAS, NOAA/AOML/HRD
4301 Rickenbacker Cswy
Miami, FL 33149
305-361-4403 (Office) — on telework, so use cell
302-383-9927 (Cell)

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