[Cpex-cv-all] [CPEX-CV] - Revision 1 to HALO data posted to Archive

Nehrir, Amin R. (LARC-E304) amin.r.nehrir at nasa.gov
Tue May 16 06:11:29 PDT 2023

Hi all,

The HALO team has posted revision 1 to the HALO dataset on the LaRC archive.  These data should be on the ASDC final archive soon.  For now, please access the revision 1 data and images at the posted link below.  This new revision mostly optimized the averaging scheme of the mid-tropospheric water vapor to reduce random uncertainties.  There were no changes to the aerosol products.  Please discontinue use of any previous revisions of the HALO data.  As always, please reach out to the team with any questions.




Amin R. Nehrir, Ph.D.
Research Physical Scientist
Science Directorate
NASA Langley Research Center
21 Langley Blvd., MS 475
Hampton, VA 23681
Email: amin.r.nehrir at nasa.gov
Office: +1 757 864 6107
Cell:     +1 757 846 1660

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